Facial Plastic Surgery In Salt Lake City, Utah – How To Choose The Right Surgeon Interview

Adam: Hi, I’m Adam Loveridge with Top Local TV and I’m here with Dr. Scott Thompson of Utah Facial Plastics. Dr. Thompson is a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in the Salt Lake City are for about the last 10 years. Dr. Thompson, if you were looking for facial plastic surgery in Salt Lake City giving advice on what someone should be looking for, tell a little bit about the types of things that you think would be important.

Dr. Thompson: Well, when you’re looking for a physician or surgeon or anyone that’s a specialist, there’s a couple of things that are pretty important and I would say the number one thing with regard to a facial plastic surgeon is that you find someone that is trained specifically in facial plastic surgery. There are a lot of people out there that are doing facial procedures and they have various levels of training on the face. So ideally you want to find someone that focuses on the face and that’s really where the bulk of their training is. An indication that someone is trained in facial surgery is that they are board certified in facial plastic surgery. Training is really important and it’s important to figure out where their credentials are from, what their experience is. The second thing is experience; how much surgeries and procedures that person has done and how many they continue to do as part of their practice. Is the procedure you’re looking at one of the main focuses of their practice or is it more on periphery and one they don’t do that often. And then I think it’s important to see kind of what the public is saying and other patients are reporting in online reviews. Those kind of things will give further insight to the surgeon. And then the last thing that I think is really important, and this to me is probably the most important thing, is the impression you get when you go talk to that person and meet that person and discuss what your concerns are. It’s important, especially if you’re talking about something surgical, that you have a good connection with the physician.

Adam: And you bring up a very interesting point there, and that is what type of relationship will someone have with their surgeon and along those lines, Dr. Thompson, if somebody were looking for a facial plastic surgeon in Salt Lake City or Utah as a whole and they came to your practice, what type of experience would they expect?

Dr. Thompson: I would hope they would have an experience where they feel like they were listened to, that it’s a positive experience and that they feel comfortable right from the get-go, even from the first phone call. I try to hire people in my office that really care about people and who are going to give you a positive experience. But not only that, I’m going to really focus on what your particular needs are, what your desires are with regard to your face. It’s not my job to push you in a particular direction. It’s my job to listen to what your concerns are, what your desires are, and then really present the options that are available. Then make some recommendations based on that.

Adam: Okay, excellent. And Dr. Thompson, I know that your practice does some special things for new patients. Tell us a little bit about that.

Dr. Thompson: Well, in our practice, at least for cosmetic consults, I like to do that as a free consultation so when you call and make an appointment, you can come in I’ll sit down and spend a half hour with you and just talk about you and your needs, desires and what your concerns are. And then, as I said, I’ll make appropriate recommendations with that in mind. And then we also have ongoing specials with regard to usually injectables, skincare, things like that. They are going on all the time and some are manufacturer specials and some are just done in our office but they’re all of great value and change on an ongoing basis. We keep our patients informed of those through email.

Adam: Dr. Thompson, it’s been absolutely great having you on here this morning. I really appreciate your insight. I’m Adam Loveridge with Top Local TV and I’ve been joined here by Dr. Scott Thompson of Utah Facial Plastics and thanks again so much for being here.

Dr. Thompson: You’re welcome, thank you Adam.

Call today at (801)776-2220 for more information.



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