Forever Clear BBL Acne Treatment in Salt Lake City, UT

This Forever Clear BBL treatment is offered in our Layton and Draper Location

Clear Up Acne For Good with Forever Clear BBL

Have you tried various methods to get your acne under control? Utah Facial Plastics & Aesthetics offers a top of the line Forever Clear BBL® treatment used to treat P acnes bacteria or “active acne” in the form of a light treatment. Have clearer, happier, blemish free skin in a few short treatments.

Forever Clear BBL® uses light power to effectively clear acne without topicals, creams or medicines. BBL (Broad Band Light) is the world’s most versatile and powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device that delivers energy into the skin, helping to eliminate acne causing bacteria at the source.

Forever Clear
1 month after 9 treatments

How Does Forever Clear BBL Work?

Step 1

The skin is treated with BLUE BBL Light to attack acne bacteria deep in the pores.

Step 2

Skin is then treated with YELLOW BBL light to reduce inflammation and redness to help restore a clear complexion and healthy glow.

Our providers will consult with each patient to determine a treatment plan. An average of 6 treatments will be needed but could be less or more.

Forever Clear BBL FAQ'S

Forever Clear BBL is only best for those experiencing active acne. It will not treat cystic acne, whiteheads, or blackheads. Individuals of any age can receive the treatment as our providers will consult with you to determine if you are the right candidate. All areas of the body can be treated.

This treatment helps to treat acne deep within the skin. This method can only be found in a licensed physician’s office and provides little to no downtime.

This treatment is typically very comfortable and does not require topical numbing, but there are always special circumstances where it may be needed. Treatment will typically take about 30 minutes for the face, adding on additional time for larger areas.

Redness and mild swelling are typical following treatment and usually resolves after a few hours. With each treatment your skin will become clearer and less inflamed. Most patients can wear makeup and resume to normal activity, withholding exercise for 24 hours. It is best to avoid sun exposure and use proper skin care and SPF during treatment series.

Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanning creams for at 2-4 weeks before and throughout your BBL treatment course. Avoid the use of aspirin, ibuprofen, Vitamin E, gingko, and alcohol for at least a week before and for 2 days after treatment.

No. Broadband lasers like the BBL Forever Clear device deliver pulses of light to the skin to stimulate specific reactions. The blue and yellow light that target acne bacteria are gentle yet effective. With each ultra-fast pulse of light, you may feel a slight sensation that feels like a rubber-band snap. This should not be painful and, although it can continue for the entire treatment process, each quick pulse is gone in an instant. If you find the BBL treatment uncomfortable, alert your provider. We have a great deal of experience using various technologies and can make adjustments or suggestions to make you as comfortable as possible. 

It is no secret that the beauty industry often combines treatments to achieve more profound results based on a patient's needs and desired outcome. While we may not perform multiple treatments in a single session, we may develop a combination of procedures to be performed over a period of time. Combined procedures are completely customized to the patient's skin and cosmetic concerns. For example, if a patient was interested in addressing acne as well as the signs of sun damage, such as discoloration or enlarged pores, they may benefit from a combination of Forever Clear BBL and Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser.

Forever Clear BBL is scheduled on a weekly basis for about four to six weeks in many cases. The provider may adjust the treatment recommendation based on the way in which the skin responds. In addition to the initial series of treatments, patients may schedule touch-ups as needed to maintain the fight against acne-causing bacteria. The number of touch-ups a patient may need can vary based on the severity of their acne, the type of acne they have, and their skin's response to treatment. 

It is highly unlikely that this treatment would cause scarring. The forms of light used to reduce active acne and the risk of future flare-ups also help to fade existing acne scars. As the course of treatment progresses, patients should see clearer, smoother, more radiant and even skin.


Would you like to know more about how Forever Clear BBL ® could work for you? Contact us at 801.776.2220 to schedule a consultation or BOOK ONLINE!

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