Published Articles


Dr. Scott Thompson, renowned facial plastic surgeon in Utah, frequently writes articles on facial plastic surgery procedures that are published locally and often nationally.

Otoplasty for Outstanding Ears


Children and teens with prominent ears are often teased and ridiculed by their peers. Boys grow tired of having to grow long hair to cover their ears while girls affected by the problem are reluctant to even tuck their hair behind their ears or wear a pony tail – in fear of being ridiculed.

Otoplasty gave these children more balance to their facial features, but there are many patients and parents who are unaware that overly prominent ears can be corrected by means of a simple surgical procedure.

Otoplasty, or ear pinning, is a surgical procedure for individuals whose ears are abnormally large or overly prominent. The condition ranges from very mild, to the complete absence of an ear (microtia) in severe cases. For the majority of patients with cupped, malformed, or even injured ears, dramatic improvement can be achieved through otoplasty surgery.


Nose Knows

Do you have difficulty breathing through your nose? Has your nose been broken in the past? Do you snore? Do you get recurrent nosebleeds? Does your nose look crooked? Is there something about the way your nose looks that you don’t like? These may not be problems you are forced to “live with.” They may be the result of an anatomic asymmetry, previous trauma or genetics.


Most people have heard the term “deviated septum.” The nasal septum is a cartilage and bone partition that divides the nose into two passages for air flow. During early development and growth or with trauma to the nose, the nasal septum can shift out of position and cause narrowing or obstruction of one or both sides of the nose. This narrowing can lead to chronic congestion, nose bleeds, sinus problems, and sometimes a crooked nose.

Ear Pinning is a Simple Outpatient Procedure


Big ears are not funny, at least not to many people born with them. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that nearly 40,000 teens in 2001 had Otoplasty surgery to reduce the prominence of their ears.

There are exceptions, but children and teens with prominent ears are often teased and ridiculed by their peers. Boys grow tired of having to grow long hair to cover their ears, while girls affected by the problem are reluctant to even tuck their hair behind their ears or wear a ponytail.

Important Facts About Facelifts


We are often bombarded with advertisements for facelifts in a cream, serum, or quick hour on your lunch break. Have you ever wondered what actually works? Have you had a promising facelift procedure that didn’t actually produce the results you were hoping for? I am routinely asked questions by patients seeking information and who understandably, want significant but natural results and want to feel as if they received value for their financial investment. This should be obvious, but as a facial plastic surgeon, those are my exact goals as well. I know that patients want to retain their identity, and in some ways the aging process takes that away because we start to lose or see blunting features that defined us in our youth.

My goal with aging face surgery is to restore those features while retaining the distinct characteristics of each patient, and I work hard to help my patients achieve those goals. With these thoughts in mind, here are a few general thoughts with regard to facelift surgery.

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