Dr. Scott Thompson of Utah Facial Plastics visits Good Things Utah to discuss the top cosmetic procedures for men
Brian Carlson: If you’ve ever considered cosmetic surgery, or the if the guy in your life has considered plastic surgery, Dr. Thompson is here to talk to us about the top cosmetic procedures for men. The number one won’t be shocking to anyone.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, Botox is the number one cosmetic procedure performed by far for men and women. The amount is a lot lower for men but is still fairly common. With women, we’re usually trying to get rid of the wrinkles while for men we’re just trying to soften things and slow the aging process.
Nicea DeGering: 7 million Botox procedures in 2015…is that number just growing now?
Dr. Thompson: Yes…I think it will continue to grow. It’s very safe and proved to be very effective. It works every single time.
Nicea DeGering: What’s the most common area for Botox on men?
Dr. Thompson: I would say for men, probably the squint lines around the eyes and the scowl line between the brows. That’s where I have our nurses inject me and just helps soften those lines a lot. I have a brother who is probably 5-6 years younger than me who looks older just because I’ve done this little bit. Men aren’t necessarily trying to look younger but if you can just slow it done a bit it can make a big difference.
Nicea DeGering: Okay Brian, in the break what did you tell him?
Brian Carlson: This is the one thing I’d consider doing. As we learn more about it on the show, it’s less invasive then some of the other things we talk about. Plus I know it’s so easy to get done right now and would help with the wrinkles in my forehead. But then I worry I’ll lose my expression. Does that happen.
Dr. Thompson: Everyone is always worried about having a frozen face and it can happen if Botox is not done judiciously. Done judiciously, it just softens the look and you still have all your expressions. But you are right, it’s very easy, low risk and there’s no downtime. You can do it and go right back to work. You might get a tiny little bruise at most but it’s a great procedure.
Nicea DeGering: Let’s talk about number 2 now, and this one is growing for men. Thirty percent of the patients you do this for our men and that’s eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty surgery.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, so eyelid surgery is probably disproportionately common for men just because we have a lower eyebrow. Because of that it starts to get full and baggy sooner and can start to block our vision sooner. It’s a great procedure for men…often times insurance will cover it if the lids are blocking vision.
Nicea DeGering: My husband had it done a few months ago with Dr. Thompson and I can’t tell you how much better he can see.
Dr. Thompson: It’s a huge thing for just vision. Most men who are coming in to do it aren’t doing it necessarily for cosmetic reasons. They do think they look tired but it is functional since you can see better once it’s done.
Brian Carlson: So this next one surprises me because I would think women would be more inclined for this one then men but apparently that’s not the case.
Dr. Thompson: So rhinoplasty surgery is more common for men just because we’re more likely to have a history of broken noses and trauma so I do a lot of procedures to straighten noses and fix breathing and then patients will also mention that they hate how the nose looks and we fix both at the same time.
Nicea DeGering: Earlier on the show we talked about “tech neck” from looking down at your phone. Will the next procedure help you with that?
Dr. Thompson: Kybella probably would help a bit with that. Kybella is an injection right under the chin to get rid of the excess fat that is hard to get rid of, even with weight loss. We can get rid of it with surgery but Kybella is a new non-surgical option. Several members of my staff have tried it and even members that don’t have much have seen a big difference. It just kind of lifts the area up and has made a nice difference.
Brian Carlson: The last one is hair transplants and this makes a lot of sense for guys out there.
Dr. Thompson: Yes, there are multiple ways to do this. Hair transplant surgery has really come a long way in the last couple of decades. It used to be obvious when someone had a hair transplant and now we have methods where we can actually extra each individual follicle and move it to the front. It’s impossible to tell you’ve had anything done. And it makes a huge difference in the initial impression you get from looking at someone when the face is framed with some hair.
Nicea DeGering: I like looking at those before and after photos. If you’ve been thinking about doing any of these procedures, Dr. Thompson is the guy to do it. He really is incredible. He’s at Utah Facial Plastics and the website is www.utahfacialplastics.com. Thank you Dr. Thompson.