Hair Transplant Surgery Scar Information

When it comes to any type of cosmetic surgical procedure, the main concern for patients is typically how the scars are going to heal and what they will look like moving forward. With hair transplant surgery, whether it’s FUT or NeoGraft, the same concerns apply. Here is some important hair transplant surgery scar information to understand prior to your procedure.

NeoGraft Donor Site Scars

With a NeoGraft procedure where the grafts are extracted one by one in a checkered pattern from the back of the head, the small holes close up nicely within 2-3 days post procedure. Patients are able to wear their hair very short with no visible scars showing. It’s important to keep in mind that with every surgical procedure, there will always be some sort of scarring. While these pinpoint scars are very tiny, if one is to shave their head at some point they will likely be visible. The option of scalp pigmentation is there should they decide they’d like the small white holes to match the pigment in the surrounding skin. Then the scars would be virtually undetectable even with the head completely shaved.

Here is what the back of the head looks like 5 days post NeoGraft:

NeoGraft Donor Site Scars


FUT (Strip-Method) Donor Scar

With the strip method, a piece of scalp is excised from the back of the head and closed up nicely by Dr. Thompson so the scar heals to look like a very fine white line across the back of the head. Most patients are able to wear their hair a normal length and completely hide this scar. For patients who like to wear there hair very short, NeoGraft is often a better option.

Here is what the scar looks like 3 months following an FUT (Strip-Method) procedure:

FUT scar



Recipient Site Scars

With NeoGraft or the strip-method, the transplantation process of moving the grafts to thinning or bald parts of the scalp is the same. Once the recipient sites are made – typically on the top of the head – the grafts are placed in each one in a completely natural pattern. In the end, the skin heals around the follicle and there are no visible scars. But at first, pinpoint scabs develop that then fall off over the next 7 to 10 days. A hat can be worn loosely 2 days following surgery.

Here is what the pinpoint scabs look like 5 and 7 days post hair transplant surgery:


hair transplant surgery scabs

For more information on the process of hair transplant surgery, call (801)776-2220 for a consultation in Layton or Draper, Utah.


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