Fall is MACSlift Season at Utah Facial Plastics

Both of our surgeons are very busy this time of year! One surgical procedure we notice an increase in number for is MACSlift surgery. So why is fall MACSlift season at Utah Facial Plastics?

It’s largely the same reason we see a lot of patient for fractional CO2 laser procedures. Summer is over so there is a lot less traveling going on and patients have more downtime to afford for the recovery process, which is approximately two weeks with MACSlift surgery. Many patients are doing great at one week but have bruising and swelling they are largely able to cover with hair that goes to at least their shoulders.

Another reason why fall is MACSlift season at Utah Facial Plastics as that patients are thinking ahead. They want to be healed, look and feel great for the holidays! By having the procedure done sometime during September through early November, patients will be ready to spend time with family and friends and feel confident.

Here is a clip from a recent MACSlift surgery day for Dr. Thompson, in which he performed two MACSlift procedures back to back at our Layton location.

Many patients come in from out of town and stay at a local hotel, less than one mile from our office. We also offer staffing to help with driving and personal care during the full visit. For more information on MACSlift surgery at Utah Facial Plastics, call (801)776-2220 or contact us HERE.



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