How safe is Botox for wrinkles?

A question we are asked frequently at Utah Facial Plastics is ‘how safe is Botox for wrinkles’? This is especially true for patients who may be new to Botox. Botox has been around for many years and is one of the safest drugs on the market. It is very important for Botox to be injected by someone who is a licensed, well qualified medical professional with a lot of experience and training with Botox injections.

History of Botox

Botox was originally created in 1977 to treat strabismus, which is a problem with the eye muscle. Later, in 2002 Botox was first FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) approved to temporarily improve the appearance of glabellar lines which are the lines between your eyebrows.  Now, Botox is FDA approved to be injected to treat forehead lines, glabellar lines and crow’s feet (lines around the eyes). Like any drug, it is very important to receive the correct dose of Botox to treat your wrinkles safely. With this being said, it is also important that the appropriate amount of units are being injected into the correct muscle. This is why you want to go to an injector who is knowledgeable and experienced.

How Botox Works

Once our patients learn that Botox is a completely safe way for them to treat their fine lines and wrinkles they want to know how it works.  So, the next common question we are asked is, how does Botox treat my wrinkles? Botox works by temporarily weakening muscle activity which will later on prevent your wrinkles from becoming deeper.  Your wrinkles will gradually soften and in some cases disappear all together. This is why so many patients consider Botox to be the best and safest wrinkle treatment available. With continued and consistent Botox treatments less Botox is needed or just needed less often.

Botox Risks and Complications

Risks and complications with Botox are very rare. Unfortunately, many risks and complications from Botox usually come from an inexperienced injector. If you are someone who is new to Botox be sure to do your research. Make sure you are researching where you are going first and read reviews about the office’s providers. Another great place to read reviews is Another tip to make sure you are choosing the right injector is to ask questions when you call to schedule an appointment. How often does this person inject Botox? How long has this injector been injecting? Where was the injector trained? These are some really great questions to ask to ensure your safety.

Our office does provide complimentary consultations to our patients so be sure to call and make an appointment with any of our experienced injectors. Call (801) 776-2220 for an appointment or contact us HERE.

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