Here’s How to Keep your Skin in Good Shape During Winter

Staying in good shape is something we think about when losing weight or staying motivated at the gym. It’s probably not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the skin. Truth be told, from our perspective, a lot of people forget to think about their skin. Sure, we may long to look younger or schedule appointments for Botox or dermal fillers. But the skin is so much more than something to keep smooth; it’s a part of the body to keep in good shape, just like all the others. Here, we discuss how to do that during the winter months ahead.

Rethink Moisture

Skin that is moist and adequately hydrated is plump, soft, and smooth. Usually, around this time of year is when we begin reading articles about how we need to switch up our skincare. This is true. We’ll get to that momentarily. For now, we want to rethink how to moisturize the skin during the time of year when the air depletes it of hydration. When considering how to lock in water molecules when the skin’s natural barrier is thin and compromised, think outside the box. Think about how much water you’re drinking every day. Also, think about adding a humidifier to the rooms you’re in the most. These two strategies can go a long way in avoiding winter woes.

Reduce Exfoliating Treatments

We usually praise all forms of exfoliation because the skin benefits greatly from this practice. Exfoliation removes the dead and damaged cells that accumulate on the epidermis. We don’t want these nonvital cells to form a blanket over the skin. It dulls complexion, roughs the surface, and blocks skincare products from doing their job. However, as much as we love a good exfoliating treatment, there are times to reign it in. Wintertime is just such a time. Exfoliating during the next few months could cause unnecessary irritation. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t address cellular turnover and other skin issues. Just trust them to a professional.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at 801-960-3137. We’re happy to speak with you about the many services available in our Draper and Layton offices.

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