When Will I See Results from Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty?

iStock 969158722While surgical rhinoplasty can be an immensely satisfying procedure, many patients today lean toward a nonsurgical approach to cosmetic improvement. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is a popular procedure that we proudly perform in our comfortable offices. Here, we take an in-depth look at this treatment and what it can do to improve one’s facial aesthetic. 

What is Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty?

An alternative to surgical rhinoplasty for some patients, the nonsurgical procedure is performed using soft tissue fillers like Juvéderm. Soft tissue fillers work by adding volume to the deeper layers of the skin. When inserted into appropriate areas of the nose, these products can correct mild to moderate irregularities. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty does not require incisions or anesthesia. Most dermal fillers contain a mild anesthetic. Coupled with a fine gauge needle, this makes treatment comfortable.

While nonsurgical rhinoplasty is not generally suitable for people who want to correct problems like wide nostrils or a wide nasal bridge, this treatment can temporarily correct concerns such as:

  • Small depressions or dents
  • Minor symmetry issues or crookedness
  • A small dorsal hump or bump on the bridge of the nose
  • Drooping nasal tip

Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty Results

Altering one’s appearance, regardless of how minor the procedure, is a big decision. The nonsurgical nose job can result in dramatic improvements without the need for anesthesia or downtime. The treatment is often completed in less than an hour and, in most cases, results in minimal side effects. Patients may experience slight sensitivity and redness caused by minor inflammation in the treatment area. These effects may last up to a few days, but are usually mild enough not to interrupt daily activities. Because we expect minor swelling with inflammation, we advise patients to wait a week or two before assessing their final results from nonsurgical rhinoplasty.

Are You a Candidate for Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty?

Nonsurgical treatments can be an excellent choice for patients who want to explore some degree of improvement to their facial structure. The nonsurgical nose job makes small modifications, but these can have a profound impact on appearance. While this treatment process can sound appealing, it isn’t right for everyone. Some patients may achieve their best results via a customized surgical procedure. The best way to find out is to consult with a board-certified professional who is experienced in the performance of both surgical and nonsurgical nose reshaping. 

Schedule Your Visit with Us

We are now booking appointments online! Click here to schedule your visit, or contact us at 801.776.2220 to arrange a visit at our Draper or Layton office.  

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