What To Expect When Getting Lip Injections

Close up sexy lips in nude lipstick.In the past, women would have to go under the knife to get fuller lips. But nowadays, there are a variety of options that can give you the look you want without having to undergo surgery. Lip augmentation is a popular procedure that can be used to enhance the appearance of your lips.

When you’re considering lip augmentation, it’s natural to wonder what to expect from the procedure. Here are a few things you should know:

What is Lip Augmentation?

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure where hyaluronic acid or collagen is injected into your lips to make them bigger. The hyaluronic acid is made from natural substances found in your body and will dissolve in just a few months, while the collagen lasts longer but may eventually dissolve into your tissue over time.

Choose Which Type of Augmentation is Best For You

The most common type of lip augmentation is performed with a dermal filler such as Restylane or Juvederm, which can be injected into the lips to add volume and definition. Lip augmentation using these fillers results in subtle yet noticeable results that last around 6 months before requiring re-treatment.

If you want more dramatic results then surgical lip augmentation may be appropriate for you. This involves placing permanent implants beneath the skin and takes longer than dermal fillers but will give you permanent results (usually lasting up to 10 years).

During Your Consultation

During your consultation with Utah Facial Plastics, we will evaluate your face, neck, and lips individually as well as together to determine the best treatment plan for each area of concern. Our team will also discuss any other goals that you may have, including body shaping (including abdominal contouring), facial rejuvenation (including brow lift), facial fat grafting, or breast augmentation/reduction surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is a serious decision. When you are considering cosmetic procedures, it’s important to know what to expect from your doctor and their team. At Utah Facial Plastics, our doctors are committed to providing you with the highest level of care and safety.

Contact Utah Facial Plastics today at 801-776-2220 to schedule your lip augmentation!

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