Salt Lake City Nose Job

There are many reasons men and women come in to see Dr. Scott Thompson. A common complaint is dissatisfaction with the nose. There are both functional and aesthetic reasons for people to be unhappy with their noses and Dr. Thompson can address both through Rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty, also called Nose Surgery, is a procedure to improve the nose. For some patients the complaint is chiefly aesthetic- dissatisfaction with the overall size of the nose, or with the tip of the nose, or with the profile of the nose due to bumps or indentations, or dissatisfaction with the size or shape of the nostrils. In other patients the complaint may be purely functional- dissatisfaction with the nose due to difficulty breathing from conditions such as deviated septum. In a lot of patients it’s a combination of both aesthetic and functional goals which need to be improved to create the ideal results.

Whether your goals are aesthetic, functional, reconstructive or some combination thereof, we invite you to contact our office and schedule a consultation with board certified, Salt Lake City-area plastic surgeon Dr. Thompson. Click here to view before and after photos of Rhinoplasty patients!

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