Six Years Old: Ideal Age to Undergo Otoplasty Surgery Utah

Having excessively sized ears is a painful reality that affects some men and women, of all ages. While there is no conclusive data to support it yet, overly protruding ear is generally linked to genetics. This condition – which may also manifest as malformed, cupped, or even injured ears – can dramatically be improved through a surgical procedure known as otoplasty (ear surgery) or otherwise known as ear pinning.

There is no right age to perform otoplasty, as it can be performed on a child as young as 4 years old or on adult as old as 70. But unfortunately, children with protruding ears are often subjected to teasing and ridicule by their peers. They may be subjected to constant bullying, teasing, and name-calling. Children do not deserve to be treated that way. The teasing may leave permanent emotional trauma and hurt their self-esteem and confidence.

After all, children are very sensitive to what they hear from other people.

In line with this, noted Utah Facial Plastic and Otolaryngology Surgeon, Scott K. Thompson, believes that the age of six to seven years old is ideal for children to undergo an ear surgery. This age is ideal because the child is old enough to understand the importance of improving his or her ears and can be more responsible to follow the post-op recovery steps to be handed out by Dr. Thompson.

There’s no need, indeed, to wait for adulthood or prolong the psychological suffering of children with overly large ears. Otoplasty Surgery Utah is a simple procedure, completed in an hour or two, that utilizes local or surgical anesthesia in an office setting. Hospitalization is not necessary, recovery is quick, and pain control can be attained using mild analgesic medications. Moreover, tiny incisions are carefully placed at the back of each ear so that no permanent scarring is present and there is a low rate of complication.

Dr. Thompson is highly experienced and skilled in ear pinning surgeries, not only in Utah but even outside the United States. In fact, for the past several years, he is a member of a select group of US-based surgeons who travel to Ecuador and Guatemala twice a year on a charitable journey in order to correct congenital ear deformities on local children. Being Board Certified in Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology, his otoplasty operations are proven effective indeed to improve ear shapes and sizes. Ultimately, Dr. Thompson feels it a sense of fulfillment to contribute to the happiness and smile of children with improved ear features.

If you like to schedule a personal consultation, please call now Dr. Thompson’s office at (801) 666-2820 or course your reservation thru this Consultation Request Form.

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