What You Can Learn About Skincare From Hugh Jackman

Even Superheroes can’t escape the harmful effects of sun exposure. Hugh Jackman posted this handsome, yet somber, selfie to Instragram yesterday following a procedure on his nose. Nope, not a nose-job… skin cancer removal.

Hugh Jackman’s wife urged him to get a suspicious “mark” on his nose checked which came back as basal cell carcinoma. This type of cancer is the most commonly occurring form there is and is caused by unprotected sun exposure. Luckily, it’s slow growing but important to have checked as early as possible to prevent spreading. Hence, Hugh’s Instagram plea for y’all to, “Get yourself checked. And USE sunscreen!!!”

Dr. Thompson expresses the importance of daily sunscreen to all patients and recommends using in conjunction with a good antioxidant for maximum protection. Not only does the powerful duo help minimize cancer risk, it prevents premature aging as well.

He has good reason to make such a suggestion as he performs hundreds of Mohs Reconstruction surgeries to repair cancer removed by many dermatologists in Utah. Patients often come in with more than one site and many times grafts are necessary for restoration. Most patients are initially quite devastated but amazed at the final outcome. It’s not an easy process to go through but patients feel deep gratitude for Dr. Thompson and his ability to repair the damage and restore facial features.

” I just want to say how thankful I am of Dr. Thompson. He changed my life after repairing my face from skin cancer surgery. My face looks nice and I don’t have to use a lot of makeup like before to cover up. Thank you Dr. Thompson!” EG on Apr 15th, 2013

Take Hugh’s advice and wear that sunscreen and get yourself checked, especially if you identify any suspicious moles or marks on your body. What should you look for? Well, the classic teaching is based off of the acronym, ABCD.

– A is for Asymmetry: The first thing to look for is a mole that looks different on one side versus the other.

– B is for Border: Moles that have jagged or irregular edges require further examination.

– C is for Color: Moles that have three or more colors are begging for attention.

– D is for Diameter: Moles that are larger than 6mm, classically, should be watching closely. If you notice any mole that is growing rapidly, it should be tested as soon as possible. But if it’s been a large mole since you were in grade school, the likelihood of this mole being atypical is very unlikely.

And if you have a mole that is at all symptomatic, whether itching, painful, tingly or burning, definitely get in for a biopsy from your dermatologist.


Learn more about our mole removal procedure here.



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