The Younger You with Troy Thompson Comes to Channel 30 and Channel 4

Published on Jan 22, 2014 12:24PM by Scott D. Pierce

You want to feel younger? Who doesn’t?

Troy Thompson – who is already a regular on a pair of KTVX/Ch. 4’s weekday shows – “Good Things Utah” (9 a.m.) and “Mid-day” (11 a.m.) – is going back to his own roots with “The Younger You with Troy Thompson.”

It’s a reworking of a book he authored and a show he did in his native Australia. “Younger You” premieres Thursday at 9:30 p.m. on KUCW/Ch. 30 and will repeat Saturday at 4:30 p.m. on KTVX/Ch. 4.

The show will feature experts in cosmetic surgery, fashion, skin care, dentistry, well being and more. The audience will also get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of actual procedures, performed by some of the most skilled professionals in our area.

“In less than seven months’ time, Troy has assimilated much of the culture of Utah, while ingratiating himself to many Utahns through his co-hosting responsibilities,” said Richard Doutre Jones, vice president and general manager of KTVX and KUCW. “Troy has immersed himself in being a Good4Utah citizen by embracing many different community projects as well as sharing his humor and wit through emceeing different types of events all over Utah.

“In addition to Troy’s on-air and community efforts, Troy has simultaneously worked tirelessly to develop, write and produce the new ‘The Younger You with Troy Thompson.’ We are very excited to bring this outstanding new program to Utah and look forward to the potential of seeing the The Younger You expand with an even wider national distribution in the future.”

DR THOMPSON’S EPISODE SCHEDULE COMING SOON!! Episodes will include a male facelift, in-office MACS-lift, eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, ear-pinning surgery, liquid facelift, and hair restoration.

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