Top 5 Skincare Mistakes

Okay, by now we should all know it’s a big no-no to go to bed without washing your makeup off. That’s a pretty obvious one that’s been drilled into our heads by all skincare professionals. But, that is only one of many common bad habits that can cause serious skin problems. So here they are…let’s get drilling!


Piling On Numerous Products

Something about applying layer upon layer of anything and everything seems to make us feel awesome about our skincare efforts. But too many products be excessive, expensive, & time-consuming. And even worse, you can run the risk of irritating your skin. You really should cap off around 3-5 products daily. This must include a cleanser, sunscreen, antioxidant, and one or two nightly creams as needed for your individual skincare goals, such as a retinol, moisturizer, or hydroquinone cream. And stronger prescription products must be used temporarily or spaced out throughout the week to avoid damage to your skin.

Check out HOW MUCH PRODUCT YOUR REALLY NEED for correct product amounts!


Skimping on sleep & water

Both are so hard to stay on top off but your skin will not let you get away with skimping on either! Sleep and hydration are essential for skin health. Not getting enough water can literally leave your skin thirsty, making it look dry and dull. You will definitely have a healthier glow by getting an appropriate amount of sleep (7-8 hours) per night as sleep provides adequate skin turnover and blood volume to the skin.


You Buy One Magical Product That Claims To Do Everything

Really? Let’s be honest, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! It’s highly unlikely that one product will contain enough of each ingredient to live up to claims to reduce wrinkles, clear acne, minimize poors, treat sun spots, & block UV rays. And if it does, it’s probably too harsh for your skin with ingredients that should only be used temporarily/occasionally but also have others that should be used daily. It’s best to check the ingredient label-anything after the first three ingredients isn’t going to do much. Stick to products with fewer ingredients that target a specific issue.


You Haphazardly Apply Products

Yes, it actually matters a great deal which products you put on first, which ones to combine, and when to apply them! Obagi’s NuDerm system is so incredibly effective as it provides detailed instructions on when to apply certain products and which ones to combine & when.

When you’re using a retinol or acne treatment, you should apply that before a basic moisturizer. And you’ll want to use retinols and harsher products at night since they can make your skin more sun sensitive.


You’re Skipping A Daily Sunscreen

In my opinion, this is the biggest one! It’s the most obvious too but we get lazy or decide we can’t apply sunscreen each day because it will leave our face looking greasy or white. Not so my friends! New products are light and formulated to blend into the skin nicely for simple makeup application.

Not only can sunscreen protect you against sunburns and skin cancer, but new research found that people who use a daily sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher have significantly younger-looking skin. If you plan to be in the sun for an extended period of time, be sure to layer on something a little stronger, like SPF or higher. And Dr. Thompson always tells patients to purchase one that contains zinc and/or titanium oxide that provides a physical blocker to damaging rays.

Our favorite? SkinCeuticals Sheer Physical UV Defense or Physical Fusion UV Defense that packs power but goes on light. If you opt for the Physical Fusion UV Defense, you get a tinted shade that provides slight coverage as well.


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