Rhinoplasty Video from the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Utah

Rhinoplasty video of The Younger You with Troy Thompson episode with Dr. Scott Thompson, the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Utah.

Are you tired of the nose being the focal point of your face? Is your nose starting to affect your confidence? Well I would want to change all of that. I’ll be talking about nose jobs and will show you an actual rhinoplasty procedure. Today…on The Younger You with Troy Thompson.

Troy: Let’s have a quick chat with Dr. Thompson and find out more about this procedure. Hey Dr. Thompson, how are you?

Dr. Thompson: Fine, thanks.

Troy: Great. I wanted to ask you, what is rhinoplasty to begin with?

Dr. Thompson: Rhinoplasty is simply nasal surgery, surgery of the nose.

Troy: Okay, rhinoplasty is the second most common procedure in 2012 to have done. Why is that?

Dr. Thompson: It’s partly because the nose is part of the face and the nose can have a lot of problems both internally and externally. It’s one of those features people don’t like about themselves and/or they have trouble breathing.

Troy: It’s the first thing they see when they look in the mirror, isn’t it?

Dr. Thompson: Generally when we look at people we see there eyes but when there’s something like the nose that is detracting from the eyes then our eyes are drawn to that.

Troy: It’s also, I believe, one of the most difficult surgeries to perform.

Dr. Thompson: Yes, we’re talking about a three dimensional structure with an internal lining and cartilage on the outside sitting on the face so there are a lot of forces pulling on it, there are a lot of functional components involved with the nose and also there’s an aesthetic component. So getting a good result with a rhinoplasty can be challenging.

Troy: Do people bring in pictures of what they’re looking for?

Dr. Thompson: Yes, I would say that’s a little bit more common but it seems like society is moving more toward people appreciating their personal identity but maybe wanting to make some slight changes in their nose.

Troy: I think that’s really important because not only are people steering away from that celebrity look-a-like but how do they feel like they can trust you with that?

Dr. Thompson: First of all, we have a long discussion before we do anything surgical, risks and ramifications. What I’ll usually do is sit down with them and with their photos and I have an imaging program where I can alter their image to give them an idea of what the result will look like. Then we know we’re on the same page, we’re communicating with each other and going into surgery I’m more confident I can achieve the outcome that they want.

Troy: Terni not only needed to have her nose reshaped but she had a breathing problem….a deviated septum. Tell everyone out there what that actually is.

Dr. Thompson: A lot of times people actually have deviations or asymmetries on the inside of their nose that aren’t visible on the outside and these can cause breathing problems. So a lot of times when we’re doing a rhinoplasty we’ll improve the breathing on the inside. When someone has a crooked nose on the outside I’m purely just trying to improve their breathing and working on it from a completely functional standpoint.

Troy: Do you feel that we as a society are more conscious of the way we are looking and want to have it done immediately?

Dr. Thompson: The majority of people I see are very confident in who they are but may have one thing, maybe their ears, or eyes, maybe their nose, or their look is loose now, those are the kinds of things people want to have improved. I also think because our society is staying healthy and living longer then people are concerned about the way they look. They’re often times in the workforce longer.

Troy: What are you doing to make sure your patients are mentally and emotionally ready for plastic surgery?

Dr. Thompson: No one should have surgery unless they understand the whole process and the ramifications of that. There are at least two extensive visits we have prior to surgery and I can usually get a pretty good idea of the emotional stability of the person that I’m working with. I also do a thorough review of their medical history and if their are issues, we explore those and make sure the professionals they are working with clear them for surgery.

Troy: I think that’s important because than people feel that you’re just going to that next level and helping them that little bit further, aren’t you?

Dr. Thompson: Yes, and that’s my job. My job is to help people and that’s what I try to do and try to remember that.

Troy: Speaking of someone you’ve been helping, let’s look at Terni’s before pictures. What did she want to change about herself?

Dr. Thompson: We already mentioned the breathing issue and that’s something you don’t see from the outside. Terni had very subtle changes she wanted to have done to her nose. Her nose kind of pointed down. She has a bit of a shorter face and the angle was a little less feminine.  She also wanted to improve the tip of her nose and give it a bit more definition.

Troy: How invasive is this?

Dr. Thompson: It’s fairly invasive on the nose itself and there’s about a week of time where I tell people to take it easy for a bit. Initially they can’t breath at all because it’s swollen and there’s definitely some pain for a few days for most people.

Troy: Of course, it is surgery and there are risks involved. What are some risks with rhinoplasty?

Dr. Thompson: Risks of rhinoplasty surgery are scar tissue, bleeding, infection, every surgery has that. Or sometimes breathing problems if someone has performed a rhinoplasty too aggressively.

Troy: How old do you need to be for rhinoplasty surgery?

Dr. Thompson: There’s no exact age limit but in general, the patient should pretty much be done growing. That indicates that the nose is done growing and changing as well so usually 17 is about the minimum age for rhinoplasty surgery.

Troy: Being at that age would you allow someone to have a rhinoplasty for nose reshaping or more for breathing problems?

Dr. Thompson: If I feel like they are mature enough to make that decision and have that discussion with me to determine. A lot of times if I feel like yes, this is a big problem that is greatly impacting how the person feels about themselves then I will do a rhinoplasty on a 17 year old. With Terni, it wasn’t that she lacked self-confidence in any way it was more of a subtle change she wanted. She wanted the tip worked on a little bit but still wanted to retain the identity of her nose and the nose her family had and that’s very important.

Clip of Terni 

Terni: My septum is deviated which means the cartilage in the middle of my nose is too far one side. I virtually can’t get any air through my right nostril. I’m having the surgery today for one, my septum is very deviated, but two, I took this opportunity to just change my nose a little bit. One of my best friends always tells me I look like a bird and I don’t want to look like a bird. I don’t look at my profile all the time but when I do I want to be okay with my profile. Having this procedure done will just make me feel better about myself but won’t be a huge life changer…just so I can be more comfortable looking at myself.

On the set with Terni & mother 

Troy: When you look at your before pictures, what do you see?

Terni: I see someone with a little bit of anxiety about her appearance and someone who can’t breathe.

Troy: So when you say anxiety, what do you mean?

Terni: Just when I’d look at myself in the mirror I just didn’t like my profile.

Troy: I got the understanding that that wasn’t the main concern for you. It was more about the breathing, wasn’t it?

Mother: Yes it was. On one side she had almost no air flow. And we in fact had to wait a few years from when we first recognized she had the problem until she was old enough to get the surgery.

Troy: Tell me more about your cosmetic concerns?

Terni: When I looked in the mirror it wasn’t how I felt on the inside. I looked different than how I felt. Inside I felt pretty and outgoing.

Dr. Thompson: I hear that all the time from patients…I feel energetic, I feel pretty, or I feel young but I don’t look that way and what can you do to help me with that.

Troy: I want to ask you on a pain level, 10 being the worst, how painful was rhinoplasty surgery?

Terni: First waking up it was maybe an 8.

Troy: How long before you felt you had full feeling back in the nose?

Terni: It wasn’t very long, maybe a week or two.

Troy: How long before you could breathe well?

Terni: As soon as I got the splints out of my nose one week after surgery.

Troy: Dr. Thompson, explain to everyone what the splints are actually doing.

Dr. Thompson: Splints are just very soft flexible pieces of plastic that line the inside of the nose. They help to keep membranes separated so they don’t stick together and scar in an abnormal way. And when you pull those out, that’s like the first time the patient’s had a breath of fresh air and it’s usually pretty dramatic. And on the outside, it really takes about a year to get the final cosmetic result following rhinoplasty surgery.

Troy: Is she swollen now?

Dr. Thompson: Yes, she still is. Within a month about 70% of the result is there but there’s another 30% that will happen over the course of a year. After about a year, all the scar tissue is going and the body has remodeled itself and then you can see the underlying structure of the nose better.

Troy: Mom, would you allow her to have any other cosmetic surgery done?

Mom: If it’s something she feels very strongly about I would be behind her. If it was something outrageous or unhealthy for her then we’d have a lot of discussion about it.

Troy: Would you do anything again, Terni? How do you feel about cosmetic surgery?

Terni: I think it’s great if there’s a little something that you want to change.

Troy: When younger patients come in and want something dramatic done what is they are usually asking for?

Dr. Thompson: I would say rhinoplasty is the number one thing for young adults. They either have a breathing problem or they have a cosmetic problem that really detracts from the rest of the face and it is a fairly dramatic thing.

Troy: How do you feel now, Terni?

Terni: I look in the mirror and I say yeah, that’s me and I feel great. And I can breathe better and sleep better.

Troy: Dr. Thompson, what are the four most important questions someone should ask their cosmetic surgeon when looking into plastic surgery?

Dr. Thompson: The number one question they should be asking is if the procedure is something they really are specialized in doing, how often have they done this procedure. Do they a lot of other procedures as well or is this something they are really confident in and focused on, especially with rhinoplasty as it is challenging procedure as we discussed.

Number two is making sure you are communicating with each other, asking what will be done to your nose and what changes need to be done to the inside and the outside and make sure you are communicating well.

Number three is making sure you understand the whole process. Ask all about recovery, downtime, and results.

Number four…you have to have the right feeling that this is the right surgeon for you. You have to go with your gut and put your trust in this person.

Troy: That’s a very good response for that last one, knowing the right surgeon. Terni, when you went to Dr. Thompson, he’s just as amazing in the office as he is in here, isn’t he? He really has an incredible bedside manner.

Terni: Yes, he does. I think he’s very personable and welcoming and makes you feel comfortable about what you’re doing.

Troy: We love him here. Thank you all for sharing with us. I believe that cosmetic surgery can help people on a much deeper level than vanity. Procedures like this can not only help people get their confidence back but also their health. If this is one simple thing that makes you a happier person, than why not do it? For more information about Dr. Thompson visit our website at theyoungeryou.tv and I’ll see you next week.


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