‘Breakup Botox’ – The New Trend in Plastic Surgery

There’s no question that Botox works well to diminish wrinkles and I’m sure the 3-4 million patients that received Botox just last year would attest to it’s effectiveness. Botox also continues to gain popularity within the medical field from treating migraines to helping patients with bladder control issues.

We recently wrote an article titled, “Botox – A Cure for Depression?”, and referenced a recent study conducted at Georgetown University showing that Botox might actually make patients happier. “We know that Botox changes certain things and how the neurons talk to each other, and how the neurons talk to the muscles,” said Dr. Kenneth Bear, who oversaw the study.

“I do think it’s better than Prozac,” he said.”…even people who had moderate depression that’s resistant to treatment, they seem to do a lot better after they get Botox.” But he believes it has to be injected into the face to provide real benefit.

Now plastic surgeons are seeing an increase in what has been titled, ‘Breakup Botox’, especially in New York City. Therapy and rebound relationships are no being replaced with the number one cosmetic procedure on the market to help patients get over their exes.

One patient of Dr. Chapas, a New York dermatologist, recently came straight in to see her following a bad breakup. “My ex lowered my self-esteem so bad, and I wanted to look as hot as possible to boost myself back up. I know it doesn’t cure everything, but Botox got me back on my feet. I loved how I looked after.”

Dr. Chapas believes also believes there is more to Botox than just the cosmetic benefit it provides. “The way Botox plays with mood is being much more recognized, scientifically, and I think it’s valid,” she explains. “Frowning signals your brain that you’re sad or depressed. If you can’t make that frown, your body doesn’t pick up on those cues, and it thinks that your mood is better.”

In New York city, plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Schwarcz has also noticed in increase in ‘Breakup Botox’ noting that about 15% of all Botox treatments are done following a bad breakup or divorce. He believes women do it for themselves while men, who are typically over 40, get Botox to look younger and date younger woman. They often do more than just get Botox from dying their hair to full facelift surgery.

Dr. Thompson has concerns about getting Botox just to treat a broken heart. He consults with all patients to make sure they are doing it for the right reasons and have proper expectations following their procedure. It’s important that all patient undergoing any type of plastic surgery procedure are doing it for themselves and not just to get a boyfriend back. It is recommended that people give a broken heart some time to heal and then come in ready to look and feel their best.


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