Liquid Facelift, Bellafill and Botox on Good Things Utah

Troy: Tonight is all about injectables on The Younger You with Troy Thompson, and I just wonder if anything is new on the horizon for 2015. So fillers, what are you looking for when you look at doing a filler?

Dr. Scott Thompson: The perfect candidate for a filler is generally someone who has deep lines or folds, generally the mouth, that’s one of the places we use fillers a lot. Or someone who is hollow or needs volume to their face. Another area that has recently become more popular is the cheeks where Voluma is injected to restore volume.

Troy: Anything new with injectables for 2015?

Dr. Scott Thompson: There are always new things, almost every month there is something new because it’s an evolving field. The way that we use Botox, the way that we use fillers, there are always new things. Probably one of the most exciting, or something that’s getting a lot of attention right now, is a new filler called Bellafill that just got FDA approval for treating acne scars. That’s traditionally been a pretty big problem to treat and there is nothing on the market that is FDA approved specifically for acne scarring.

Troy: Why is it such a difficult procedure to perform?

Dr. Scott Thompson: The reason it’s so difficult is because acne scars create an irregular cobblestone kind of effect to the skin and it’s very difficult to correct that to where the skin looks really smooth and soft like someone whose never had those kind of problems because of scarring.

Troy: Got you…and that’s what also makes it a little bit difficult to fill as well.

Dr. Scott Thompson: Right.

Troy: Very briefly, explain to people the difference between and injectable and a filler.

Dr. Scott Thompson: An injectable is a filler. So there are different kinds of injectables, one type is fillers and another type is Botox.

Troy: What I find exciting this year, Dr. Thompson, is you’ve done what you call a Liquid Facelift on a man. How do you think that went?

Dr. Scott Thompson:  I think it went great, and fortunately with Dave, he already had some pretty good facial features and we just had some minor things that we were trying to improve.

Troy: Okay, are you finding more and more men are coming in to you and saying, “Hey bud..fill me up”.

Dr. Scott Thompson: I’m amazed at how many men are actually coming in for facial rejuvenating surgery. It’s always been 90% women, 10% percent men. But now, at least in my experience, it’s more like 60/40. I’m doing work for lots and lots of men and I’m enjoying that because it’s something we have to offer for men as well…fillers are on exception.

Troy: I love that too and I love that guys are brave enough to come in and see you to be able to have that done. Is there conversation different to a women’s?

Dr. Scott Thompson: Usually the goals are a little bit different and the anatomy is different.

Troy: Dr. Thompson, there is so much to talk about when it comes to injectables. We appreciate you coming in.

If you want to find out more information about Dr. Thompson, go to www.utahfacialplastics or Your going to love Dave’s Liquid Facelift tonight on The Younger You.


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