Popular Cosmetic Surgical Procedures For Men & Women In Their 40’s

While many non-surgical options for facial rejuvenation exist today, sometimes more advanced treatment is needed to help one achieve their aesthetic goals. This is often the case for men and women in their forties experiencing signs of aging that are making them look more tired and aged than they actually are. Here are a few of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures for men and women in their 40’s.


1) Upper Eyelid Surgery

It’s not uncommon for patients to notice their upper lids beginning to sag and droop, sometimes resting on the eyelashes. For many, the laxity is great it enough to impair their vision, therefore surgery is often covered by insurance, as it’s considered a functional problem as well as a cosmetic one.

Luckily, this is a relatively minimally invasive procedure with little downtime and discomfort. Dr. Thompson performs upper eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) in the office often under local anesthetic. Valium can be given prior to the procedure to help patients relax but is not necessary. After lidocaine injections are made, Dr. Thompson marks the upper lids, excises the extra skin with extreme precision, then closes them with fine sutures that are taken out 4 days after surgery.

Bruising and swelling typically lasts 3-7 days with very minimal pain and discomfort. The incision fades and is hidden within the natural crease of the eyelid making it nearly impossible to see any sign of surgery. With the extra skin removed, patients appear more refreshed and rejuvenated and find the process highly beneficial with little downside.

eyelid surgery results


2) MACSlift (Mini Facelift)

Another common concern for men and women in their 40’s is jowl formation. The lower face typically starts to sag during this period of life, which can age ones appearance drastically. While fillers can lift the jowls when placed in the mid-face, sometimes a more advanced solution is required, such as Dr. Thompson’s MACS facelift or mini facelift. This procedure is much less invasive than a facelift performed in the OR and involves less incisions and downtime.

Dr. Thompson’s MACSlift is performed in-office under local anesthetic as well. Incisions are made around the ears only. Then Dr. Thompson lifts and tightens the deeper tissues beneath the skin for a long-lasting results. Excess skin is then removed and closed with fine sutures. The recovery period is approximately two weeks with minimal pain and discomfort.

MACS facelift procedure


3) Under-Eye Rejuvenation

Eye bags or excess skin in the under-eye area can really make a person look tired or unhappy. If non-surgical options, such as fillers, Botox, and/or CO2 laser resurfacing, don’t fully address the problem, Dr. Thompson may recommend one, or a combination of under-eye surgical procedures.

If hollowing is a concern, Dr. Thompson may recommend fat injections to fill in the tear trough line making it completely smooth where the under-eye meets the cheek. Another option is a lower blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) with fat repositioning. This is done in a surgical center and involves lifting and tightening the skin as well as taking the fat that makes up the “under-eye bags” and using it to fill in the tear trough lines.

Other options are a traditional lower lid blepharoplasty, where fat and skin is removed and excess skin is tightened, or a lower-lid skin pinch, which is a less invasive option for those experiencing under-eye crepe-iness only and not excess fat. This is done in the office and involves “pinching” up the fat and trimming away the excess skin.

under eye bags


For more information on the the procedures above, call (801)776-2220 for a consultation at our Layton or Draper location in Utah.



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