It’s Time To Try Sculptra

SculptraLines and wrinkles and deep folds are just a few of the visible signs of aging. If you’re searching for the perfect aesthetic treatment for your shallow to deep facial folds and wrinkles, look no further. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable that helps to gradually replace your skin’s lost collagen, just one of the causes of facial aging. Additionally, Sculptra’s results can last more than two years. Read on to learn more:

  • Sculptra contains a synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is a bio-compatible, bio-degradable material that is naturally absorbed by the body to help rebuild lost collagen.
  • Sculptra is an injectable, that’s true, but not all injectables are the same. Each is formulated differently, each targets different areas of the face and each produces unique results.
  • INJECTABLE FILLERS are either liquids or gels that reduce fine lines by pushing the dermis space up beneath wrinkles and creases. Results appear immediately and can last up to several months.
  • TOXINS, like Botox, minimize fine lines by temporarily paralyzing and weakening muscles, typically in the forehead and near the eyes. Results appear within a few days and can last up to several months.
  • COLLAGEN CREAMS claim to deliver absorbable collagen. But collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin. Most collagen creams include vitamins and do hold moisture, which makes them suitable moisturizers that can briefly improve the skin’s appearance.
  • COLLAGEN STIMULATORS such as Sculptra, are used to diminish facial wrinkles by helping to restore the deep, underlying structure of the skin. Results appear gradually over multiple injections – typically 3 injections spaced 3 months apart – and can last up to 2 years.
  • As collagen stimulator, Sculptra is different. It works deep within the dermis, rather than topically. As the Sculptra micro-particles are absorbed, they help stimulate collagen production; the rebuilt collagen strands begin to gradually help restore your facial inner structure and volume, and create fullness to wrinkles and folds.

We invite you to call to schedule an appointment to discuss Sculptra or any of the other procedures and products we offer with Dr. Thompson, today: (801) 776-2220.

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