How Is A Direct Necklift Performed?

Dr. Henstrom performs direct necklift surgery often at Utah Facial Plastics. The most common patients he recommends a direct necklift for are those who are primarily concerned with loose neck skin, often times have lost a lot of weight, and are looking for something that can be done in-office with less recovery time than a traditional face or necklift. So how is a direct necklift performed?

Most patients take Valium thirty minutes prior to surgery to help them relax. Dr. Henstrom that marks where the incision will be in the neck before starting. This procedure is done in a highly sterile environment within our office at our Layton location.

The incision is then made where the markings are and Dr. Henstrom removes the extra loose neck skin and tissue. Often times he performs submental liposuction at the same time if there is a considerable amount of fat in the neck area as well.

The incisions are then closed in a precise manner by Dr. Thompson and in a way that the scar will heal to be as minimal as possible. Patients are instructed to wear a head wrap for approximately one week and then for an additional five days just at night. The incisions need to be cleaned morning and night and bacitracin or neosporin applied thereafter. Dr. Henstrom sees patients within 5-7 days following surgery to remove the sutures.

It’s important to avoid excess sun exposure for up to a year to keep that scar from being very noticeable. Sunscreen is incredibly important during that time. Otherwise, the incision does heal very well.

For more information on how a direct necklift is performed or to schedule a consultation, call (801)776-2220.

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