Summer is coming to a head and soon enough we will be pulling out the jackets and sipping on a nice warm pumpkin spice latte. But you know what’s going to be left from summer? All the unwanted skin damage your left with and now want to repair.
UVA, UVB, and infrared radiation from the sun is stronger in the summer time, but it affects our skin for much longer than that. Radiation produces free radicals in our skin and slows it’s ability to repair itself. This causes wrinkles, poor texure and tone, and effects the laxity in our skin. Heat is also a skin stimulant and produces melanin production. This creates a tan, but also freckles, and even worse…age spots!
IPL (Intense Pulse Light) treatments, skin resurfacing and chemical peels are by far the best most effective and safe ways to reverse sun damage and give your skin the bounce back it needs.
- IPL (Intense Pulse Light), also known as a Fotofacial, is the most effective way to destroy pigment accumulated in the skin. The treatment is quick with no downtime. You may be red for a couple days and pigment may be darker initially but will slough off. Depending how deep the pigment is will determine how many treatments are needed.
- Chemical Peels that are medical grade and penetrate deeper into the skin are performed to rid unwanted pigment as well as other skin nuisances. The type of peel and how many layers will be determined by your provider. Chemical Peels stimulate skin turnover to repair damaged skin and decrease the time for new skin production resulting in reversal of facial aging. There is no downtime or pain with light to medium chemical peels, and you may experience flaking days after the treatment. Chemical Peels are best done in a series.
- Laser resurfacing can be done with Fractional Co2 or Venus Viva. Resurfacing takes care of a number of skin conditions including old dull skin, lines and wrinkles, pigment, scarring, delicate skin around the eyes, and mild tightening. Our CO2 fractional laser is more invasive than Venus Viva but they create similar results. A CI2 fractional laser treatment is generally done once and downtime is about 7-10 days where Venus Viva treatments come with little downtime but 3-4 treatments are typically recommended for best results.
With a great treatment plan and skin care regimen you can be on your way to reversed damage and glowing skin. Proper skin care is important between treatments and maintaining those results. At Utah Facial Plastics, our estheticians focus on the problems or concerns as a whole and use the best techniques to combat and reverse damage. We value improvement and aim to deliver incredible results.
Many patients can be hesitant of medical grade procedures because of what they see on TV or the internet, but if done correctly under the supervision of a qualified physician, results can be safely acheived.
Call 801-776-2220 to schedule a free consultation with a skin care representative to discuss the best regimen for your needs.
Master Esthetician
Utah Facial Plastics