When Kybella isn’t in the Cards

Kybella Utah, TXSince the day Kybella gained FDA clearance for the reduction of submental fullness, men and women of all ages have become interested in this non-surgical treatment. We understand the desire to avoid surgery such as neck liposuction and neck lift, and we do our best to accommodate our patients’ preferences for non-surgical treatment. At the same time, we value optimal results and open communication. The more that you know before treatment, the less surprise there may be with the outcome. Here, we want to discuss Kybella in greater detail.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a new-generation injectable treatment that has been developed solely for the correction of submental fullness. We tend to know submental fullness as a double-chin. When introduced into the local area beneath the chin, the deoxycholic acid in the Kybella solution degrades the cellular matrix of fat cells so lipids can be quickly metabolized and expelled from the body. Deoxycholic acid is an organic chemical that the body makes naturally to break down dietary fat. Kybella allows us to target particular cells for cosmetic improvement.

It’s Not for Everyone

The first thing that you may want to say when you hear about what Kybella can do is “sign me up!” While we’d love to say that everyone can reach their desired outcome with this injectable, we can’t. In fact, some decide they would prefer not to use Kybella. Let’s see why . . .

  • Skin condition. Kybella is a fat-reducer, not a skin-tightener. One of the physical attributes that we observe during the Kybella consultation is the laxity of the skin. When the skin has become noticeably crepey and thin, fat-reduction alone might exacerbate cosmetic concerns. In such situations, we may suggest neck liposuction with a neck lift, or possibly Kybella followed by a laser skin-tightening treatment.
  • Poor muscle tone. Aging affects the neck as well as the face. When horizontal lines and creases combine with loose muscle tone across the neck, a surgical lift may be a better approach to long-lasting rejuvenation. Depending on the severity of banding, laser skin resurfacing on the neck may be an appropriate consideration.
  • Weak bone structure. There is not much that can be done to correct a weak chin and jawline without surgery. Kybella may reduce the appearance of a double chin, but augmentation with a chin implant or with dermal fillers may be warranted for optimal results.

The fortunate aspect of modern-day cosmetic surgery is that there are typically some options to consider for any given concern. To learn more about our services, call a Utah office near you.

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