Botox to Slim The Lower Face

It’s often surprising for people to learn that you can use Botox to slim the lower face and make it less square or circular shaped. But it’s actually a great non-surgical treatment that is quick, safe, and can make the face look more feminine by slimming the jaw areas. So how does it work?

Botox to slim the lower face

Botox has been injected into to various muscles of the face for years to temporarily paralyze or weaken them so wrinkles cannot be created. It’s FDA approved for use in between the brows, in the forehead, and for lines around the eyes or “crow’s feet”. Knowing this, it’s hard to understand how it works to “slim” versus “smooth” wrinkles as it is typically used for. But by injecting Botox into the jaw muscle, it weakens the muscle so it shrinks over time, just as other muscles in the body respond when not utilized. Some patients naturally have stronger jaw muscles while others have created growth of the jaw muscles by clenching frequently, thus building them up.

How much Botox is needed

The amount of Botox needed to slim the lower face varies depending on the patient and the strength of their jaw muscles. But there is a typical average used, which is between 15 and 30 on each side, with 25 per side most common. For best results, patients should continue with treatments 2-4 times per year as needed. Botox wears off every 3-4 months and movement is restored without continuous treatments. But overtime as the Botox continues to weaken those muscles with repeat treatments, some results can become permanent.

For more information on Botox to slim the lower face, call (801)776-2220.

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