3 Top Treatments to Enhance Your Lips on Good Things Utah

Surae Chinn: Get the most kissable lips this holiday season with a little help from Utah Facial Plastics. I am here with Jeanna and Mariah, they’re joining us now to share 3 top treatments to enhance your lips this holiday season. Thank you so much for being here.

Jeanna and Mariah: Yeah, thank you!

Surae Chinn: Ok, there are 3 treatments that you guys want to talk about and Jeanna, you are the Nurse Injector. So, there’s the traditional lip plump. Talk about that.

Jeanna: There are several different techniques and different fillers we can choose from to customize each treatment. So, as far as the technique that we can do. We can fill the border of the lip which helps to add definition. As well as smooth those little fine lines that a lot of women get that they complain of that the lipstick bleeds into to. So, that’s really good for that as well as plumping just the overall lip to add a lot more volume. Sometimes we can also fill around the lip if there’s loss of volume. It provides structure and support to the lips.

Surae Chinn: Ok, lets move on to the makeup artist here. Lip blushing, what in the world is that?

Mariah: So, lip blushing is a permanent tattooing option. I take very natural and subtle colors and it will either enhance the lip color or help define the lip borders

Surae Chinn: I didn’t even know that was possible to make it fuller. You can put like permanent like lip color but, to make it look fuller?

Mariah:  Yes, right. That’s where you are defining the lip line, where it gives that illusion.

Surae Chinn: And, is this something permanent? It will last for a long time?

Mariah: Yeah, it will fade over time. But, yeah it will be there. You know, a very small amount will be there for a very long time.

Surae Chinn: Ok, how long does that whole process take?

Mariah: It can take anywhere from an hour to two. It kind of varies from patient to patient depending on what we are doing.

Surae Chinn: That might be worth it for permanent, right?

Mariah: Yeah, right.

Surae Chinn: So, what is the lip lift? What does that involve?

Jeanna: That is where the doctors will remove a modest amount of skin from right below the lip.

Surae Chinn: So this is all on the outside? This is on your face?

Jeanna: Yes, but it is really camouflaged well because any incision will be right below the nose. So, as we age this portion from the bottom of your nose to your lip starts to elongate because the lips are losing volume and it starts to turn under. So, they remove some skin and that will help to lift the lip up and flip it out.  It can actually make the lips look more full.

Surae Chinn: Wow, and that is completely permanent?

Jeanna and Mariah: Yes.

Surae Chinn: So what are you finding this holiday season? People want to look their best so, people are coming in. I mean who doesn’t want kissable lips, right?

Jeanna and Maraih: Yes.

Surae Chinn: What would you suggest if someone is interested, what should they do? How to decide between the three different treatments. Like, which is best?

Jeanna: Come in for a consult. We do free consults. We will talk about whatever their needs are, what they desires, options that we can give them. So come in for a consult.

Surae Chinn: I love that there are these options that you can talk about. They are really fun and interesting things that  you can do. But, you kind of have to talk it through like what are the benefits for each treatment

Jeanna and Mariah: Yeah, exactly.

Surae Chinn: Are people really excited this time of year? Like, “I want to this or I want to do that”?

Mariah: Yeah, definitely. That want to look their best.

Surae Chnn: Yeah, that’s right. Ok, so you guys are offering our viewers a little special to help enhance themselves. Like why not give the gift for yourself? We are so busy buying gifts for everyone else.

Mariah: Yeah, so if you mention this segment we will give you $75 off either the lip filler or the lip tattooing and plus you will get a little HA5 lip plumper for free.

Surae Chinn: Alright, well thank you ladies so much. I mean it is so interesting anything else that is trending right now?

Jeanna: I would say those are the most popular.

Mariah: Lips are always huge. Kylie Jenner.

Surae Chinn: And the down time too. Is it pretty short?

Jeanna: Yes, and it depends. Each thing is a little bit different. You know for the filler, maybe there’s some good swelling, possibly bruising for a couple of days. The down time is pretty short.

Surae Chinn: Yeah, so the number is 801-776-2220, right? Or, UtahFacialPlastics.com is the place you want to go.


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