3 Things To Do Before Getting a Facelift

Both surgeons at Utah Facial Plastics, doctors Thompson and Henstrom, perform a lot of facelift surgeries weekly and are here with some tips to help you prepare for a facelift in Utah. These three things will help you feel confident and prepared before your surgery date.

Choose The Right Surgeon

Making sure you choose the right surgeon is definitely number one for a reason. This is a very important decision as all surgeons are not created equal. When choosing your surgeon, you want to make sure you choose someone that you trust and feel comfortable with. You also want to make sure you are choosing a surgeon who has substantial experience in the procedure you are considering. For example, do not go to a surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation for a facelift. Choosing a surgeon who is board certified in plastic surgery is also very important. When patients come in for consultations both Dr. Thompson and Dr. Henstrom encourage their patients to look at their before and after photos online. They do so because patients can then determine their surgeon’s aesthetic sense.

Pre-Op Appointment

When our patients come in for their pre-operative visit we talk about all of the medications they are going to receive and when to start taking them. We also talk about any vitamins or medications that they need to stop taking prior to surgery. This is an important visit because you will feel more prepared for your procedure. During this appointment we explain everything you need to know about wound care, risks and benefits, and your surgeon will finalize the surgery plan to ensure you are both on the same page.

Be Prepared After Surgery

Before surgery we explain to our patients about what to prepare for both physically and mentally. Having a friend, spouse, mom or dad that can help you after surgery helps the entire process to go smoothly. You are going to want someone that can drive you to and from post op appointments. You will not be able to drive for at least a week, nor will you feel up to it. It is important to have someone who is going to be their for you during the entire process. The first week most patients are feeling pretty low. They experience emotional highs and lows, question their decision and are concerned about not looking like themselves. Having someone to remind you that it is going to get better and is going to be worth it in the end makes a huge difference for our patients. We also have a Facelift Friends program that we offer to our facelift patients. Before surgery we also talk about the recommended time to take off work, this varies from patient to patient. It is important to take it easy while you are recovering so you are able to have a speedy recovery.

If you thinking about having a facelift in Utah, call our office with any questions (801) 776-2220.

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