Why a Great Facelift is All About the SMAS

facelift Salt Lake City, UTIf you’ve begun to research facelift surgery, it’s likely that you’ve come across at least a few unusual terms and findings. Understandably, many people who initially look into having a facelift are under the impression that this procedure is a particular surgical technique that literally lifts the entire face. This may be the first surprise. Facelift surgery is conducted to address problems on the lower two-thirds of the face only. Think of a standard facelift as treatment for the cheeks to the jawline. Beyond this, there may be a few more surprises in the wings.

A term that belongs in any facelift discussion is one that we use regularly in our Layton and Draper offices. That term is SMAS. SMAS is not a type of facelift, though it is sometimes portrayed as such. SMAS stands for the superficial muscular aponeurotic system, a deep layer of tissue that is partially responsible for the contouring of the face. During facelift surgery, it is here where we like to focus our attention.

It isn’t only the uppermost layer of tissue that responds to the biochemical changes of aging. Depletion in fatty tissue beneath the skin and deterioration of the SMAS lead to flattened cheeks and the accumulation of flesh at the jaw line and beneath the chin. Fallen cheek fat also increases the appearance of folds around the nose and mouth. If only the skin and superficial tissue are lifted during facelift surgery, recurrence may occur more quickly than if the SMAS is also repositioned.

By reaching deeper tissues in the cheek area, we correct concerns including:

  • Flattening of the midface
  • Widening of the lower face
  • Jowls
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Hollowing below the cheekbones
  • Sagging fatty tissue
  • Double chin

Are you a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Facelift surgery is not something to reserve for a certain age. Today, we use a variety of techniques to address the specific concerns each patient has. A mid-facelift can achieve outstanding and long-lasting results by correcting mild to moderate sagging whereas a more traditional facelift with fat grafting can address more severe tissue laxity and volume deflation. Facial rejuvenation is not about age, it’s about feeling confident in your appearance.

Learn more about the various ways in which we help our Draper and Layton patients look younger. Call an office near you and schedule your consultation with our experienced team.

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