Is Plastic Surgery Still Considered Taboo?

Until recent years, plastic surgery was something that was primarily associated with the rich and famous. Plastic surgery today is much more common among the general population and openly discussed with friends, family members and through social media. People are more transparent about the cosmetic treatments they are undergoing and apt to share their results and experiences.

When done correctly by a qualified plastic surgeon, plastic and reconstructive surgery can restore and boost self-confidence for so many. Although it’s true that much of ones beauty comes from within, looking your best can help you feel better from the inside out. We as humans are usually our own worst critics so it is important to see a surgeon or provider who is going to be completely honest with you and what is in your best interest. Good plastic surgery should not remove one’s identifying features but restore or enhance features for the the best version of one’s self.

Plastic surgery can also be incredibly life-changing for patients’ who have experienced facial traumas, birth defects and skin cancers that require reconstruction. Mohs reconstruction following skin cancer removal is a common procedure performed at Utah Facial Plastics by both Dr. Henstrom and Dr. Thompson. Having large areas of skin cancer removed from the face can be very difficult to experience, especially for younger patients. The amazing reconstructive work by our facial plastic surgeons can be life-changing for these patients.

Botox and fillers treatments were more likely to be lumped into the plastic surgery category in previous years and sometimes still today but it’s less common as injectables also become more “mainstream”. Injectable treatments can provide nice, subtle results to rejuvenate the face and slow down the aging process. Patients are starting these treatments earlier for preventative reasons with millennials being the fastest growing demographic in the industry. In just the past 5 years, cosmetic surgery and injectable patients under 30 years old have increased by 24%. But it’s not just millennials. The average number of facial cosmetic procedures has almost doubled since 2013 for all age groups.

It’s safe to say that for most, plastic surgery and injectable procedures are no longer considered “taboo” not only in the United States but around the world. If you’ve undergone a cosmetic procedure is it something you’ve been open about or still feel is taboo?

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