Predicted Plastic Surgery Trends for 2020

Plastic surgeons and dermatologists are making their predictions for what to expect in the world of plastic surgery in the upcoming decade. Many of the trends predicted for 2020 were quite popular in 2019 with a few surprises.

Subtle Improvements

Keeping everything looking natural is going to carry over into 2020. Individuals don’t want to look “overdone” or like they’ve had anything “done” at all. Rather than overly enhancing everything on the face, people are wanting to subtlety enhance their natural facial features. Through the years we have seen a lot of “overdone” faces and people are now realizing that a little bit can actually go a long way. Treatments like Botox and filler will continue to be one of the most popular cosmetic treatments with results to help people feel refreshed but still like themselves.

Radio Frequency Treatments

Radio frequency treatments can lift, smooth and tighten the skin. These types of treatments are going to be extremely popular in 2020 because they are typically great for just about everyone. If you are wanting to treat and prevent trouble areas on the face and neck these types of treatments are minimally invasive and require very little to no down time. We offer a range of really amazing new treatments that utilize radiofrequency (RF) energy to lift areas of laxity and improve the appearance of the skin. Our new line of RF energy includes FaceTite, AccuTite and Morpheus8. Each option addresses different areas of the face and neck and can also be combined for an enhanced result.

Neck Improvements

Everyone wants to look youthful with the neck being a common area of concern. It is being predicted that in 2020, procedures to improve the appearance of the neck are going to be increasingly popular. Procedures from necklifts to radio frequency treatments to submental liposuction are on the rise. Whether you have excess skin, fat or are in need of definition, we offer both surgical and non-surgical options that can provide greater contour in more defined jawline.


Rhinoplasties always make the list when it comes to popular plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty surgery is another trend that is going to carry over into the next decade. This procedure reshapes the nose for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Our dual-certified facial plastic surgeons customize each rhinoplasty to it help balance the face while maintaining the individuality of the patient.

For more information about these popular procedures, call (801) 776-2220 or contact us HERE.

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