Non-Surgical Facelift Treatment: What’s It All About?

istock 994813070 1Knowing that cosmetic aging occurs whether we like it or not, the stance that many adults take is that they will have a facelift “when the time comes.” That time differs for everyone. What may also differ is what the facelift treatment itself looks like. While we used to rely on plastic surgery to rejuvenate the aging face, we now have multiple alternatives; alternatives that can be performed years before the time would come for a surgical facelift. If you’re noticing the signs of aging in various areas of your face, you may be questioning if the time is right for treatment. It is. We can say this confidently because we know the value of personal aesthetic care.

At Utah Facial Plastics, patients receive treatment recommendations based on their unique needs. Here, we look at the various aspects of a non-surgical facelift and what this approach has to offer.

  • Known as a wrinkle-reducer, Botox can do more than many people realize. A few injections of Botox can erase worry lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet. Botox may be injected above the eyebrows to carefully lift them to a higher, younger, more symmetrical curvature. The wrinkle-reducer has also been used to correct downturned corners of the mouth. The results of treatment last 3 to 6 months.
  • Dermal fillers. Another form of wrinkle-reduction, dermal fillers also come with a few surprise benefits. These products may be used during the non-surgical facelift to smooth nasolabial folds. However, they are also often used to correct the lip deflation that occurs with age. Dermal fillers can be applied to the tiny lines around the lips to improve the border of the mouth. They can also be injected into the cheek area for beautiful augmentation that improves mid-face contouring. Finally, dermal fillers may be used to disguise undereye bags, jowls, or both. The results of treatment can last up to 2 years.
  • Energy-based treatments. Facial aging may include a variety of tissue changes. Energy-based treatments are often included in the non-surgical facelift because they can correct pigment problems, reduce pore size, and stimulate natural skin-tightening. This aspect of the non-surgical facelift maximizes the outcome of the customized process.

Benefits of a Non-Surgical Facelift

While this approach to facial rejuvenation may not be ideal in every situation, there are outstanding benefits:

  • Quick treatment
  • Short recovery time
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Few risks
  • Minimal aftercare
  • Proven results
  • Lower up-front cost

Does it sound like a non-surgical facelift may be right for you? Contact us at 801-960-3137 to schedule your consultation at our Draper or Layton office.

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