Is it Time to Address that Double Chin? Here’s What You Should Know about Kybella!

istock 949489994As we get older, we aren’t surprised to see lines and wrinkles on the skin. The face, in particular, is an area that we notice physical changes. Though anticipated, these changes usually are not welcomed. We are rarely ready for them. Some cosmetic changes feel alarming because they develop far sooner than we imagined they would. Take the double chin, for instance. This concern that softens and drags down the frame of the face can affect adults of all ages. In our Draper and Layton offices, patients may find that Kybella is their ideal double chin treatment. Here, we discuss why.

  1. Kybella is an FDA-approved drug for fat reduction.

Excess fat beneath the chin is not a new problem. It has been a concern for adults throughout time. Historically, surgery has been the most viable solution to correct submental fullness. Surgery may be effective but it is not necessarily accessible for everyone. Some people find the cost of surgery too expensive. Some prefer to avoid surgery if at all possible. Turning to diet and exercise rarely works. Kybella was developed several years ago and was approved for use in the United States after it was proven safe and effective. It is the first drug of its kind and patients are pleased with this option for eliminating double chin fat.

  1. Kybella uses natural ingredients.

Deoxycholic acid is the active ingredient that makes Kybella a powerful fat reducer. The body produces it to assist with the digestive process. During digestion, deoxycholic acid breaks down dietary fat so the body can metabolize and utilize it properly. Studying the function of deoxycholic acid, scientists discovered that, when introduced to a small, targeted area, the chemical had similar effects on enlarged fat cells.

  1. Kybella destroys fat cells.

If you have researched Kybella, you have heard that it destroys fat cells. This may not have translated into the knowledge that fat-cell destruction means a great chance for permanent results. When you lose weight through lifestyle habits, your fat cells shrink but you continue to have the same number of them. Kybella disintegrates the membrane of the fat cell, so the body flushes those that have been targeted. They do not come back.

Kybella is a convenient, effective treatment that has been sculpting chins around the world for many years. To learn more about this injectable, schedule a consultation with us today.

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