What Is the Difference Between A Mini Lift And A Facelift?

mini lift

It is highly likely that as we grow older we will consider a procedure to take some years off of the aging process. When considering surgery, most don’t understand the difference between a mini facelift and a full facelift. You may be experiencing some lower face laxity and loose neck skin that you are possibly interested in treating. A mini facelift is quite popular and likely a treatment option you might consider, but it is important to know the differences so that you can choose the right procedure for you and know what to expect. There is always cost and downtime associated with surgery so it’s important to feel that whatever you choose, the benefits outweigh the costs. So is a facelift worth it? And which procedure would be right for you?

What Is A Mini Lift?


When we talk about worth, we are talking about the overall value of a procedure according to average patient satisfaction. Typical mini facelift patients are extremely happy with their decision and feel that their appearance is much more youthful and rejuvenated after undergoing a mini facelift. According to RealSelf.com, 93% of patients feel their mini facelift was worth the cost and downtime.

Mini facelift patients often appreciate that they are able to look and feel their best without having to undergo a more comprehensive surgery. Mini facelifts at Utah Facial Plastics are done in the office in just a few hours and patients can return home shortly after. The cost is much lower than a full facelift and the downtime is not as extensive.

During a mini facelift procedure the SMAS (fibrous layer that sags with aging) layer of the face is addressed, which prolongs results compared to other mini lifts, elevating the cheeks and redefining the jawline. This technique provides long-lasting results and also prevents that patient from looking pulled or “winded”.

A good candidate for a mini facelift or MACSlift is anyone with mild to moderate jowls and mild neck laxity. There is not a right or perfect age range for those considering this surgery. The structure of an individuals face or genetics play a huge role in how someone ages.  It is important to know that you will continue to age after a MACSlift and it can hold up 5-10 years on average, but it is not always a long term solution and some might feel they need to do something else down the road.

“Dr. Thompson helped me achieve my goal of regaining a more youthful (but natural) appearance with a mini facelift. I am so very happy with my results and I would recommend him to anyone. His bedside manner and professionalism are also top notch. AAA+++” ……R.S.

What is a Full Facelift?

A Whitby

A full facelift is taking things a step further and addressing the face and neck as one unit. Whether genetics or age play a role in more advanced signs of aging, a full facelift is going to be the better option when there is excess skin laxity in the face and neck, moderate to severe jowling, moderate lines, neck bands, or a “turkey neck”.

A full facelift is much more extensive and it is done under general anesthesia. The cost is higher due to the procedure, time, facility fees, and anesthesia. It last much longer than a mini lift and many patients will choose this procedure for that reason, as most want to do something only once. Drs. Thompson and Henstrom will educate  patients on understanding that the face and neck are primarily one unit and it is best to address them as one for the most natural and ideal results.

It is always best to consult with a specialist to determine the best course of treatment for yourself. Our surgeons will always give the most honest recommendations and what to expect from both based on your needs.

For more information about a mini facelift or full facelift  in SLC, Utah, please call our office at (801)776-2220 or contact Utah Facial Plastics for a facelift consultation. Visit our website to view before and after’s of MACSlift surgery or UFP’s Exclusive Deep Plane Facelift .


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