LIVE MACSlift Surgery in Utah

Our MACSlift patient last Friday did amazing and we appreciate the all the positive feedback from our followers! It was enjoyable for us to be able to document through photo and video the MACSlift process starting with marking the face to the final bandaging.

Our patient came to Dr. Thompson with concerns of lower face sagging and aging and had been considering facelift surgery for approximately 2 years but couldn’t get past the concern of general anesthetic. She learned about Dr. Thompson’s in-office MACSlift procedure in Salt Lake City, Utah from the internet and was impressed with the many great reviews he had from previous patients on numerous review sites.

She was somewhat excited and nervous when she came but was ready! Dr. Thompson started by marking her face where the incisions would be and gave her some medication to help her relax. He then administered the local numbing around her face and neck. She said that was the most difficult part but once it was done, she was great! During the rest of the procedure, she reported feeling tired from the medication but relaxed and not in pain. She said it all felt very weird to have her face tugged on. Other than that, it was smooth sailing to the finish.

Her husband and friend were there to support her and bring her home following her procedure!

I spoke with her this morning to see how she did over the weekend and she said she is doing great, has been fine with just Tylenol and hasn’t needed the Vicodin given to her by Dr. Thompson. She is in some discomfort but doesn’t feel much pain. She says it’s already looking great and is excited for when everything is healed! She’ll be in for a few post-ops this week to remove sutures and we’ll continue posting updates on her recovery and after results!

Watch her before video here: MACSlift Patient Information

Watch MACSlift update video here: First MACSlift Update

Learn more about Dr. Thompson’s MACSlift procedure here.

Also, stay tuned for more information on Dr. Thompson’s MACSlift segment on Good Things Utah where he will discuss the procedure in detail and show this patients before and after result! Date will be announced on Facebook & Istagram so be sure to follow us!


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