How Does Hair Transplant Surgery Work?

It happens to most guys eventually: they look in the mirror to find that they simply don’t have as much hair as they did the day before. We have good news and bad news for such men. Let’s have the bad news first: at least two-thirds of men will suffer from male pattern baldness at some point in their lives. For some, it strikes as early as the teenage years. The good news is that there is hope for those wishing to hold on to their hair follicles a little longer.

The most permanent solution for hair loss is the hair transplant. This procedure has been employed in the US since the 1950s, and it involves taking hair from the back or sides of the head and placing it on the top where it’s thinning or gone.

Most hair transplants are done in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia. First, the surgeon cleans off the scalp. Then he injects an anesthetic to the place where the strip of scalp is going to be removed. The strip of scalp is taken and set aside, and then the scalp is sewn shut again.

Next, the surgeon divides the strip of scalp to somewhere between 500 and 2000 tiny grafts containing individual hairs or just a few hairs each. After the grafts are prepared, the surgeons cleans and numbs the area where the hair is to be placed, creates holes with a scalpel, and delicately places each graft into a hole. The entire procedure takes about four to eight hours.

Afterward, the scalp may be very tender, which may necessitate the use of pain medications for a few days. You may also have to take a surgical or anti-inflammatory drug to be taken for several days. Most people return to work two to five days after the surgery.

After two or three weeks, the transplanted hair will fall out. Don’t worry—this is normal. It will grow back within a few months, and most people report having 60% of new growth after six to nine months. If you’re still looking for thicker hair, some doctors may prescribe minoxidil (Rogaine) or the medication finasteride, which that have been shown to slow or stop hair loss. Sometimes people go in for more sessions if they still want thicker hair.

Like any other surgery, hair transplant surgery carries a few risks. You might see some bleeding or infection, for instance. And also like any other surgery, hair transplantation can be expensive. It will cost you something between $4,000 and $15,000. Learn more HERE.


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