Where To Go For A Facelift In Utah

Facelift Patient Before & After Selfie
Facelift Patient Before & After Selfie

When determining where to go for a facelift in Utah, there are a number of factors to consider. First, it’s important to choose a plastic surgeon with a high level of training and experience in facial plastic surgery. Research the physician’s credentials by checking board certification, any fellowship experience, and ask the physician how many procedures he performs if/when you go in for a consultation. A facial plastic surgeon is going to have a much higher level of training and experience in the face since that area of the body is their main focus. The average amount of facelifts performed by a general plastic surgeon is approximately 10 per year, which is low compared to that of a facial plastic surgeon who does not share his surgical schedule with procedures such as breast augmentation and tummy tucks.

It’s also important to talk to your plastic surgeon about the specific facelift technique he uses as it often differs among surgeons. Most traditional facelift techniques address the jowls but are inadequate for treating significant neck laxity and they completely overlook the mid-face. Dr. Thompson’s facelift technique that he has performed for numerous years treats the neck, jowls, and the mid-face area and provides comprehensive facial rejuvenation that provides long lasting results.

Talk to any patient referrals provided by the physician(s) you are considering and read reviews from patients who have undergone facelift surgery. Ask about their set expectations versus final results, recovery process, pre and post operative care, bedside manner of the physician, and how they feel about their choice to undergo a facelift from that particular physician. If a referral reports receiving comments post surgery about looking refreshed and rejuvenated by others who can’t figure out exactly what’s different, that is a good sign. A good facelift looks natural and not completely obvious to those the person interacts with.

Don’t be fooled by clever marketing and be weary of procedures that promise the best results possible with no downtime. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Significant, long lasting results will require some recovery time. Ask about the SMAS layer of the skin as any facelift that doesn’t address the deeper tissues beneath the skin (also known as the SMAS) is unlikely to achieve a long lasting result.  Whether the SMAS is cut and removed, sutured together or extensively undermined, great results are achievable with a well performed and correctly chosen surgery. Heavily marketed procedures, such as the Lifestyle Lift, are highly priced to cover such marketing costs and are performed by a number of surgeons with various levels of training and credentials.

Lastly, make sure you feel comfortable with your physician and trust that he is open and honest with you and exactly what to expect with your facelift process and results. You need to feel that he/she has your best interest at heart and in the end, will help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

To learn more about facelift surgery, click HERE.



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