“Peel Away” 2015 With A Chemical Peel!

The facial peel is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures in the world – evidence of it exists in ancient Egypt and Rome. Peels are trending and popular today because they offer nearly immediate results and can be performed as an outpatient procedure.  A chemical peel is a great way to achieve smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

More and more women and men are turning to chemical peels to treat age spots, blemishes, acne scars, enlarged pores, uneven pigmentation and pre-cancerous growths.

A chemical peel is a controlled injury to the skin. An alpha or beta hydroxide acid, resorcinol or other acid solution is applied to the skin, removing its damaged, outer layers, smoothing and enhancing its texture. Patients with light hair and fair skin are the best candidates for a chemical peel, but those who have darker skin may still achieve good results.

Dr. Thompson offers a variety of peels, such as the PCA Sensi Peel, the PCA Jessner Peel, the Ultra Peel I and the Ultra Peel Forte – peels which range from lighter, skin-sensitive peels to deeper, more potent peels.

Dr. Thompson tailors the strengths of each peel to your individual needs to achieve optimal results with the least risk and down time.

Deep chemical peels may only be appropriate for select patients. Because of the strength and depth of these peels, Dr. Thompson personally treats all patients undergoing these deeper peels.

At your consultation appointment, Dr. Thompson carefully evaluates your skin to determine how to provide you with the best possible results.

  • Your peel will be performed in our office.
  • Your new pink skin will emerge in about 7-10 days.
  • The pink color will fade in about two to three weeks, but your skin will be sensitive.
  • You should avoid the sun until the pinkness fades and use sunscreen every day.
  • Recovery time is zero to two weeks depending on the type of peel used.


The best of times is NOW…call to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Thompson, today: (801) 776-2200.

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