New Kybella Double-Chin Treatment Special Offered At Utah Facials Plastics in SLC, Utah

Press Release Repost; 1/4/16; SLC, Utah

Dr. Scott Thompson of Utah Facial Plastics is excited to introduce Kybella, a revolutionary new non-surgical treatment for submental fullness below the chin. Kybella is currently offered at Utah Facial Plastics at a special introductory rate at $200 off initial treatment for new and current patients.

Kybella is an injectable that takes approximately 20-30 minutes in-office per session. Numbing cream is applied prior to injections to minimize pain and discomfort. When injected into the fat below the chin, the active ingredient in Kybella, deoxycholic acid, literally destroys fat cells and eliminates them from the body. Deoxycholic acid is naturally found in the body and plays a large role in managing fat cells in the body. Once destroyed, the fat cells will no longer expand and store fat, leaving patients with permanent results, unless major dietary and lifestyle changes are made. Two to three sessions are usually required for maximum results though some may need up to six treatments, spaced approximately 4-8 weeks apart.

For many, submental fullness, or “double-chin”, is genetic and cannot fully be addressed with diet and exercise alone. Traditionally, submental liposuction has been performed to address this area and offers significant improvement following surgery. Dr. Thompson is now excited to have a non-surgical option to offer patients interested in contouring the jaw and chin area.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Scott Thompson of Utah Facial Plastics, visit or call (801)776-2220.

About Utah Facial Plastics

Utah Facial Plastics offers a wide variety of surgical and non-surgical procedures to correct and prevent signs of aging and enhance overall beauty. Botox, lip augmentation, and dermal wrinkle fillers are popular non-surgical procedures as well as laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and laser hair removal. Surgical procedures offered include blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), facelift, in-office facelift (MACS-lift),rhinoplasty (nosejob), septorhinoplasty, otoplasty (ear-pinning surgery), browlift, midfacelift, and hair restoration. Learn more at

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