Kybella – The Non-Surgical Solution for a Double-Chin

Kybella Segment on Good Things Utah with Utah Facial Plastics

Nicea DeGering visits with Alfie Symes, Nurse Injector at Utah Facial Plastics in SLC, Utah to discuss Kybella, the best non-surgical treatment for extra fat under the chin, otherwise known as a double-chin.

Nicea DeGering: You know that extra fat under your chin, you could call it a double-chin, it’s just that stuff you see in pictures that you don’t like. Brandi, you know what I’m talking about, she’s nodding. I’m with Alfie Symes, Utah Facial Plastics, there’s something you can do about that now. What’s it called?

Alfie Symes: It’s called Kybella.

Nicea DeGering: And what is Kybella?

Alfie Symes: Kybella is the first and only FDA approved treatment for non-surgical contouring and improving the appearance of submental fullness.

Nicea DeGering: So Alfie, when I came in today I thought this was a machine that you were going to use on Brandi.

Alfie Symes: It’s injections.

Nicea DeGering: It’s an injectable. So you said FDA approved to use just in that area below the chin?

Alfie Symes: Yes.

Nicea DeGering: Okay, who are Kybella injections for? If someone’s watching right now and wondering if they could get it done.

Alfie Symes: It’s for anybody that doesn’t like that submental fullness under their chin. Anybody that surgery is not an option for, they don’t want to go to surgery, don’t want or need the downtime. And anybody that just looks or feels older and heavier from it.

Nicea DeGering: Brandi, what did you notice when you looked in the mirror?

Brandi: It just seems like no matter how much weight I lose or whatever state I’m in that there’s always something there that just doesn’t go away. I see it in pictures no matter what angle I’m at.

Nicea DeGering: It’s frustrating. Umm…it looks like a dot to dot on her chin right now. What is that?

Alfie Symes: So this is the mapping so I know where to inject under her chin.

Nicea DeGering: So you do the mapping first. Talk us through the Kybella procedure, Alfie.

Alfie Symes: So first I clean her and then I map out the submental fullness or fat under the chin and that helps me avoid any landmarks that we’re supposed to miss. It keeps it safe in this area.

Nicea DeGering: I like submental fullness instead of neck fat. It’s a nice way to say that stuff you’d like to get rid of. Then what will you do know that we’ve mapped.

Alfie Symes: Now that we’ve mapped, we start the Kybella injections.

Nicea DeGering: About how many Kybella injections do you do?

Alfie Symes: She’s doing about 20 injections but it typically ranges anywhere from 20-40 injections per treatment.

Nicea DeGering: So it depends on you and depends on the patient.

Alfie Symes: Yes, Kybella injections are customized to each patient.

Nicea DeGering: Okay, go ahead and keep going. We started a little bit earlier. How does it feel Brandi?

Brandi: It’s just mild discomfort. It wasn’t bad at all. It was just a little bit of pressure in that area.

Nicea DeGering: How many Kybella treatments will patients need?

Alfie Symes: Usually 2-4 treatments is typically but it can range anywhere from 1 to 6.

Nicea DeGering: And how quickly do you see results with Kybella?

Alfie Symes: Usually within 4-6 weeks. You’re going to be a bit full and swollen at first but then as the weeks go on you’ll notice it go away.

kybella before and after

Nicea DeGering: What’s so exciting about Kybella is that you maybe heard chatter about it last fall when it came out and not many offices are doing this. Here at Utah Facial Plastics you just started doing this several weeks ago. What have you noticed?

Alfie Symes: Our patients love it because there is no downtime. They can go back to work the next day and they are just excited that they don’t have to be wrapped up or recovering from surgery. They’ve really enjoyed that with Kybella injections.

Nicea DeGering: Now Brandi can expect what for the rest of the day?

Alfie Symes: She can expect some numbness. People tend to feel numb for a few days up to a week, it just depends on the patient. She’ll have some fullness and swelling. Some people may even get some bruising but not everybody.

Nicea DeGering: So far so good and maybe not the full result for 2-3 weeks? What do you think Brandi?

Brandi: I think so.

Nicea DeGering: We talked to Brandi before and asked if she was nervous and she said just a little bit. Now what would you say?

Brandi: It was not bad at all. I’ve had other injections and this was probably the least painful one I’ve ever had.

Nicea DeGering: Alright, it’s called Kybella and if this is something you’ve been thinking about, right now, right now at Utah Facial Plastics you can get $200 off your first procedure. Come in, talk to Alfie, check out the website at or call (801)776-2220. Now is the time to do this, we’re headed in to spring and summer and all those family pictures. If this is something you’re concerned about Kybella injections could be the answer for you. That was so cool to watch that procedure. Thank you Alfie.

Alfie Symes: Absolutely, thank you.

To learn more about Kybella, visit our page HERE.

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