A Little Summer-Time Reminder…You Are Responsible For You

wrinkle treatment Every day you make important decisions that affect your life – decisions about what you will eat, your social options, your exercise schedule and your work. You strive to fit all of these important things into your life, while including quality time with your family and friends.

Summer is a great time to contemplate your life, your choices, and how those choices impact your days. Having control over various parts of your life is good and may be why you are committed to living a healthy lifestyle. Watching your amazing body respond to diet and exercise is awesome. This is your only body and you are its master.

It goes without saying that your diet is foremost in your hierarchy of important things. Empty calories and junk food – while tempting – do nothing but counteract all of the healthy things you eat. Nobody’s perfect; it’s ok to eat-cheat occasionally. But as the saying goes, “You are what you eat.”

If you have a daily exercise regimen, you know that the discipline involved in keeping up with your exercise schedule is directly transferable to the rest of your life. Procrastinating your workout is simply sabotage.

Everybody is different; everybody is unique. But there are tried and true methods and protocols that work across the board. At Utah Facial Plastics, we are committed to helping you love your self-image. We offer a smorgasbord of treatments, both surgical and non-surgical, to compliment your diet and exercise regimens.

Dr. Thompson is an expert and specialist in his field – from Blepharoplasty to Botox; from Fat Grafting to Facial Trauma – his goal is to provide his patients with the highest in technical skills and technological advances.

Whether you desire a wrinkle treatment or a surgically complex body-changing procedure, don’t wait. Call to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Thompson, today: (801) 776-2220.

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