New Face, New You? Sort of!

facial agingThroughout your adult life, and a little before, your signature has been used to verify who you are. Over the years, the signature that you use has probably changed a little – maybe a lot. That does not mean that you’re not you, though, does it? In some way, your appearance is also a type of signature, a unique way that you present yourself in this world. Like the signature you scrawl on paper, your facial signature has changed over time. There is no way around it. Because of these age-related changes, you may be considering facial plastic surgery.

The Slight Edge

Did you know that experienced facial plastic surgeons often achieve dramatic improvements with just a few millimeters of change? This goes against the common idea that facial plastic surgery is dramatic, and may leave you looking like an entirely different person. True, there are some examples out there that can prove this. But, really, even Joan Rivers still looked like herself! In truth, the goal of facial plastic surgery is to bring out that person you think you should see when you look in the mirror. And that person is you.

You do not change on the inside as you age. Well, maybe you get a little wiser and kinder, but you are still you. In the same manner, refreshing your appearance with a facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift, or other rejuvenating procedure will not create an entirely new person from the inside out. What we often notice is that a person whose outward appearance comes into harmony with how they view themselves becomes more confident. They may act more lively and more vibrantly as they go about their day.

Is this because their surgery made them into a new person? No. It is because they feel like themselves again; their true, authentic self who is filled with energy and confidence.

If you have not been happy with the person you see in the mirror, it could be because the hands of time have created an outward appearance that does not match who you are on the inside. Let’s talk about your goals! Call Scott Thompson Facial Plastics at 801-776-2220. We serve areas around Layton, Bountiful, and Draper, Utah.

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