Lip Injection Popularity in Utah | Fresh Living

Alfie Symes of Utah Facial Plastics discusses lip injection popularity in Utah on Fresh Living.

Debbie Worthen: This new year, give yourself the gift of fuller lips. Lip augmentation has skyrocketed in popularity and is growing faster in popularity than breast augmentation. We have lip injector pro, Alfie Symes, from Utah Facial Plastics. So Alfie, why the increase in popularity?

Alfie: I think mostly due to celebrities like Kylie Jenner, The Kardashians, bloggers…they’re posting on social media and it’s getting more popular.

Debbie: But also as we age, you get to your 30’s and 40’s and you lose some of that fullness that you once had.

Alfie: Absolutely and everybody does. There are things that you can do to just restore that volume and not go really big. Volbella gives a very natural result and as added to lip injection popularity in Utah.

Debbie: Yeah, tell us a little bit about some of the most popular lip fillers.

Alfie: Volbella is probably the thinnest and most subtle. Then we have Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus for the Kylie Jenners. and those wanting very full lips.

Debbie: How is lip augmentation performed?

Alfie: The procedure is performed in-office after we numb the lips. It takes about thirty minutes from beginning to end and then we give an ice pack for swelling.

Debbie: And tell us about the pain with lip injections.

Alfie: Everyone is really nervous about the pain but there really isn’t any with the numbing.

Picture of Volbella:


Debbie: Okay, that is really amazing. This is a picture of a very mature woman and you can see how that really makes her face look so much younger doesn’t it?

Alfie: Lips really do give youth. You can see we did the border on these lips and it just makes it more natural and youthful.

Debbie: How long do the results last?

Alfie: Volbella lasts a year and Juvederm lasts 6-9 months but the more often you do it the farther apart you need touch ups since it stimulates collagen.

Debbie: And how do you make sure the results are natural because we’ve all seen people with duck lips?

Alfie: I love doing lips, it’s my favorite. And everyone is always worried about that. It’s all about starting conservative.

Debbie: And who is a good candidate, Alfie?

Alfie: Anyone really…I see people from their early 20’s to their 60’s and 70’s. Younger people just want volume usually while older people want to restore the volume they’ve lost.

Debbie: And you really can go as big or small as people want to go.

Alfie: Absolutely, here’s a photos of a patient who had a little bit of asymmetry of her upper lip so we corrected that and just gave her a little bit more fullness.

Debbie: Right, and you have a special coming up in February. What can people watch for?

Alfie: It’s $75 dollars off any lip injection filler.

Debbie: How much do lip injections cost?

Alfie: It depends on the product. Anywhere from $325 to $600.

Debbie: I’ve used Juvederm and found that it does last about a year. A lot of people don’t want to look like the Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian. They just want to restore a little bit of that youth. We’re all just looking for that time machine in the back office.

Alfie: Usually I want others to not know that someone has been to my office.

Debbie: Thank you so much. Where are you guys located?

Alfie: We are located in Draper and Layton.

Debbie: Perfect. Thank you Alfie for stopping in.

To learn more about lip injection popularity in Utah and to get fuller lips, call (801)776-2220 to visit us in Draper or Layton, Utah.

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