Microtia Repair by Utah Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Scott Thompson

Dr. Scott Thompson, facial plastic surgeon in Utah, has been traveling on week long medical missions for 4 weeks out of each year for nearly 15 years. On this personally sponsored missions, he joins forces with other talented facial plastic surgeons to reconstruct ears for children and adolescents born with microtia. Microtia is a congenital condition in which one or both ears doesn’t develop fully and has a profound impact on the social lives of those born with this condition. Dr. Thompson enjoys giving back with the HUGS Foundation and profoundly impacting the lives of their patients. You can learn more about this condition and the efforts of the HUGS Foundation HERE.

Dr. Thompson is currently in Guatemala for the week working long hours to help as many patients as possible during the teams stay there. Pictured below is Dr. Thompson, Dr. Lieberman and Dr. Quatela working together to construct an ear from rib cartilage and attach it surgically.

The process requires great skill and precision but the results are far reaching. Many of the children born with microtia are ostracized in the community and often even by their own families. This surgery is essentially freeing them from stigma and providing them with a new level of self-confidence.

Microtia repair by Utah Facial Plastic surgeon, Dr. Scott Thompson, is a very rewarding experience.

“I am personally grateful to be a part of this effort and for the opportunity of working with dedicated selfless people who continue to make this effort a reality. As we share hugs and smiles with our patients and their families on the final day of our trip each year, I’m very personally aware of the joy and satisfaction that accompany service to another human being, and my desire to continue this work is renewed.”



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