Draper Plastic Surgery Group Focuses on Skin Cancer Prevention

Draper LIfestyle Magazine recently published an article titled, “FACING CANCER THREATS HEAD-ON IS SPECIALTY OF LOCAL PLASTIC SURGERY GROUP” written by Julie Brown Patton.

A common threat of living in mountainous regions is skin cancer. Reconstructing facial changes following removal of skin cancers can be challenging, but it’s a service that Utah Facial Plastics physicians specialize in and greatly enjoy helping patients get back to feeling confident and whole again.

“With so many sunny days each year, as well as so many opportunities for outdoor enjoyment, it seems that almost everyone has either personal or indirect experience with some form of skin cancer,” Dr. Douglas Henstrom says.

Indeed, data indicate 30 to 49 people out of every 100,000 in Utah have experienced melanoma cancer. Utah had the nation’s greatest incidence of melanoma from 2010 to 2014, the last year for which data is available. The state’s melanoma rates more than doubled in the past 17 years, according to the Utah Department of Health and the Utah Cancer Registry.

Utah Facial Plastics physicians also fix many removals for basal cell and squamous cell cancers.

Read the full article HERE.


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