How long does your nose continue to change after rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery is performed to change the shape of the nose. The nose is primarily made up of bone, cartilage skin. Surgery can change one or all of three components. Rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most common procedures performed by both Utah facial plastic surgeons, Drs. Thompson and Henstrom of Utah Facial Plastics. On average, both surgeons perform multiple rhinoplasty procedures each week.

Why do People Get Rhinoplasties?

Rhinoplasties can change the size, shape or proportion of your nose. Rhinoplasty is generally performed to improve the appearance of the nose, to make the tip of the nose smaller or to reduce a bump for example, whether a patient’s aesthetic concerns are genetic, due to a birth defect or result from a traumatic accident. Surgery is also often performed in conjunction with a septoplasty to improve breathing and functionality of the nose.

Will Your Rhinoplasty Results Change Over Time?

After a rhinoplasty there is a significant amount of swelling. A few ways to help reduce swelling is to limit your sodium intake and sun exposure. Often times, swelling can take up to a full year to completely go away. For the first few weeks after surgery your nose may appear larger than it was before surgery because of the swelling, which will gradually subside. This process is typically complete 6-12 months after surgery though some patients have reported swelling continuing to go down up to 18 months after.

Does Your Nose Change with Age?

A common misconception people have is that your nose will eventually go back to the way it was before surgery. This is not true. However, a person’s nose may grow or change with age. While the bones in the nose stops growing once we reach physical maturity, the cartilage can change. As we age, the cartilage in our noses, ears and joints continue to gradually grow. Gravity also comes into play as we get older. This is why you see elderly people with drooping nasal tips.

If you are considering a rhinoplasty, the most important step is to find a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who performs numerous rhinoplasties every month. Look at before and after photos to make sure that you and your surgeon share the same aesthetic sense.

To schedule a rhinoplasty consultation, please call our office at (801) 776-2220 or contact us HERE.

Further Reading on Rhinoplasty

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