Lift that Lip for a More Youthful Look

Before Kylie so boldly enhanced her lips, relatively little attention was paid to the appearance of the mouth. We may have observed how our smile looked and scheduled teeth whitening as needed to keep our teeth bright and friendly-looking. But the lips? We may have believed we “got what we got” from our family lineage. That all changed thanks to dermal fillers; and now there are even more options for enhancing the curves of the mouth. In our Draper and Layton offices, the option of choice for many people is a surgical lip lift.

What is a Lip Lift?

Lip lift treatment is not necessarily an alternative to dermal filler lip augmentation. Where fillers increase the volume of soft tissue in and around the lip area, lip lift surgery is intended for the reduction in space between the upper lip and the tip of the nose. We refer to this area of skin as the “white lip.” By reducing this area, the elongated, flattened upper lip regains a youthful curvature and more defined Cupid’s Bow. As subtle as the improvement may be, its effect on overall facial esthetics is profound.

Adults of all ages can be good candidates for this minimally-invasive procedure. While many patients are in their 50s or older, younger people with a naturally elongated upper lip may also benefit from lip lift surgery. The technique may be performed as a standalone treatment in the office using a local anesthetic and mild sedative or as an adjunct to facial rejuvenation surgery such as blepharoplasty or a mid-face lift. As an independent procedure, the lip lift is completed in under an hour.

Recovery from a lip lift is mild. A bandage is applied to the incision immediately after surgery and needs to remain in place for 24 hours. After this time, the incision can be cleaned twice a day using diluted hydrogen peroxide. An antibiotic ointment should also be applied to prevent infection. About 5 days after surgery, sutures are removed in our office. After about 7 days, patients may resume exercise and most normal activities.

Facial rejuvenation can be achieved in several different ways. To learn more about lip lift treatment, schedule a consultation in our Draper or Layton office. Call (801) 776-2220.

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