Is a Thread Lift Worth It?

Jenny: Welcome to Facial Aesthetics Unmasked. I’m super excited to be here. It’s turning into our new favorite hobby because we can hang out with our favorite friends. We’ve got Kari Hawker-Diaz.

Kari: Oh, my gosh you said our favorite friends!

Bryan: I know, I was very excited.

Kari: We love you!

Bryan: Yeah!

Dr. Henstrom: You made the list.

Jenny: Fresh Living…

Bryan: We’ve arrived.

Jenny: Her gal pals will be on later.

Kari: Yes, they will.

Jenny: At a different time.

Kari: Yes!

Jenny: And then we’ve got the amazing chef, Bryan.

Bryan: Hi, Jenny.

Jenny: From Cooking with Chef Brian on Channel 2.

Bryan: Thank you!

Jenny: And you have to get his new book because it’s going to save my cooking skills

Bryan: It will.

Kari: It will save you time, money and your sanity.

Jenny: The InstantPot.

Bryan: Yeah.

Jenny: You don’t have it. You need it. And you need this book. And it’s The Everyday Instant Pot Cookbook.

Bryan: Yeah, that’s right. It was a labor of love. Had a lot of fun doing it.

Kari: You can get it anywhere now, right?

Bryan: Anywhere. Yeah, anywhere books are sold.

Jenny: Anywhere books are sold. Like you can hear this podcast anywhere…podcasts are delivered?

Bryan: Delivered… there you go.

Jenny: Downloaded.

Dr. Henstrom: We got the book and we’ve already put it to use.

Jenny: We have! All of our staff are super excited. And by the way, that was Dr. Henstrom, our amazing facial plastic surgeon.

Dr. Henstrom: Hello!

Jenny: And we are… he is here to spread his wisdom on why people… so many people are wasting their money.

Kari: A lot of money. A lot. Right?

Jenny: Yes. They’re wasting their money or they’re enjoying a certain treatment for two months…

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: And then they’re like, oh, great now what? Or one side of their face looks great and one doesn’t because a thread broke. We’re talking about thread lifts.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. So I think it’s a great lead in the word that comes to mind is value.

Jenny: Value.

Dr. Henstrom: And are you getting value out of what you’re having done.

Kari: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: And value is not just the money that you put into something, but the time that you commit to recover from and the amount of time that a procedure or something you’re going to have done is going to last. Is it going to give you an effect that you want? And if so, how long? And then why might not be long enough? Why might it need to be longer?

Jenny: And what do you do if it doesn’t meet expectations, then what?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, there’s not a lot you can do.

Jenny: Or what’s going to happen to your face down the road? You know, after this procedure whether it works or not.

Dr. Henstrom: With the changes that occur… 

Well, it’s important to be somewhere reputable with people that have experience doing things before you consider even doing anything. But let’s let’s talk about that idea of thread lifting. We have patients come into our office all the time or patients that contact us on social media or send us questions about whether or not we do thread lifts.

Kari: I have never heard of this.

Bryan: Okay, I’m raising my hand. Oh, I know none of you see that I’m raising my hand, but I’m raising my hand because my first question is what is the thread?

Jenny: You guys just aren’t old enough yet to think about doing this when you pull your jowls.

Kari: Oh, well, you’re nice.

Jenny: That’s when people ask oh, what’s this fancy thread?

Bryan: Well, the first thing he comes to my mind is pain. Is there pain involved? What is the recovery?

Kari: Cost.

Bryan: And what is this? Yeah, cost. What is a thread lift?! What you mean a sewing needle goes on your skin like I trust up a chicken or something like that.

Dr. Henstrom: So from the… that’s a great comparison from the cooking perspective.

Bryan: There you go.

Dr. Henstrom: However, it is the use of surgical threads inserted underneath the skin and then brought back out through the skin and tightened and cold. So let me let me put it this way. This is something that was first described back in 2002. Some doctors in Russia actually first came out with the first report and it was a non-absorbable suture that has little barbs on it. Think fishing hooks.

Bryan: I’m already going ‘ouch’…

Dr. Henstrom: In the bigger scheme of things, our world in treating patients there’s always this movement towards minimally invasive type of procedures to do. And so this was just as a step towards that. You know, what can we do to lift the face, to lift the sagging tissues of the cheek and the jowls and do it in a less than invasive way compared to traditional facelifts?

Jenny: AKA no scalpel.

Dr. Henstrom: Right.  Which in the first ones there was little scalpels. But either way, they’re small holes. Usually it’s holes that are up by the hairline or out by the ears or down along the jawline. You can hide them very easily, inconspicuous places. But through these needle holes, they can insert barbed suture and then bring them back out. And they’ve developed certain little devices and suture techniques to put them down from here, up above the above the ear, by the hairline, down into the cheek. And then they bring in to gather some of the tissue. Then they bring it back out.

Kari: So it gets the jowls lifted?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. So you’re using it… So originally when they first describe it, they were using this non-absorbable suture. So this and then they tie it down up here and that would tighten things. and that would lift things up.

Jenny: They fish for your jowl and then spring it in

Kari: Oh my gosh. I mean, when I think of this, I think of are you a serial killer? Like Silence of The Lambs. You’re sewing somebody…I know it sounds a little…

Bryan: Well, I was worried because you said non-disolveable permanence. So I’m thinking staph infection or something foreign in the face.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. So we do use non-absorbable sutures even in regular facelifts. But, but it’s an a deeper plain of the face, so it’s buried underneath tissue. You never feel it, you never see it. Your body can handle it. Non-absorbable sutures are used in surgery quite frequently in different area of the body and so forth. But this thread lifting techniques are in a superficial plain of the face. They are right underneath the skin in the dermis, grabbing what’s called a sudden muscular aponeurotic system. It’s a superficial muscle layer of the face, and that’s what’s trying to lift. Now, that is the layer of the face that were often working with when we do a facelift, getting underneath it, releasing it, lifting it, attaching our sutures to it. But it is something that’s depending on the thinness or thickness of somebodies tissues. You have permanent sutures in there and it can be something that can become very palpable so early on that was one of the problems. One of the frequent side effects or complications was palpable sutures or sutures that were being extruded through the skin. And you’d have to go in and remove that. There were a lot of early complications with that.

Some people got better and better at it. It’s evolved now. And the other bigger issue is exactly what is it doing? It does make a change early on. But the question was, how long is this going to last? Because these sutures will stretch. They’re not going to hold that tissue up forever. And so how long? Well, unfortunately, the studies and there’s there was a great recent study in dermatological surgery journal. So it was a peer reviewed study, it was a review of the literature, which means these doctors went in and did a search in the Medline database for all of the articles that had been done that were concerning thread lifts. And then they take out of all those articles, they were eliminate the poorly done articles and they just consider the articles that are really well done that had some sort of control. They have certain criteria that they’ve got to meet. And then they reviewed those articles and they try to talk about in an illicit what are we learning from the accumulation of all the data that we have up until now about thread lifts. what is it teaching us? What do we know? Well, the bottom line with the first area of thread lifting with non absorbable sutures is that the non absorbable sutures that were used for these thread lifts had FDA approval and then lost it because there was too much complication with them.

Jenny: Too much breaking…

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, breaking, suture extrusion, infection, granulomas, other things that they listed. The additional thing is that so many of these studies didn’t have long term follow up with patients. So if you read a well-done facelift surgery kind of clinical trial, you’re going to see you… should see five years on average kind of follow up. It’s a long term study to see what kind of effect people are having for long term. These were averaging six months to a year.

Kari: For one procedure?

Dr. Henstrom: Yes. So you can’t really draw a conclusion about how long this is lasting in anything that you do like this may look good for a few months. And that’s what we’re hearing from patients that we’re seeing that are coming in, having complaints about jowling, having complaints about wanting to lift tissue. And some of them have had thread lifts. And we say, well, how does it look now? And they most people still say, well, it looked good for three months, four months.

Jenny: And now that’s newer thread lifts that are supposedly even better, right?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.Yeah.

Jenny: They are called pedothreads… is the popular one.

Dr. Henstrom: So they’ve made this transition so away from the non-absorbable to the absorbable sutures, which is in an attempt to get away from some of those complications that non absorbable sutures had with extrusion and granulomas and things like that. They went to absorbable sutures. Okay, good. The only problem is that your body is going to absorb that. So when it’s gone, how are you going to maintain the lift? All right. Now, some people in some of the studies will talk about how the inflammatory response that this absorbable suture causes in the tissue increases collagen production. And that’s what will hold the face up for longer. And while they might get some thickening in those areas, it’s not happening everywhere. And so they have a really hard time. Again, looking at this study that was done, reviewing the literature, they have a really hard time showing long term results. Now, less complications. People are tolerating it better

Jenny: Than older threads.

Dr. Henstrom: Than the older non absorbable threads. But still, the evidence for long term efficacy for non absorbable threads with thread lifting is very much lacking. So we that’s one of the reasons why. Dr. Thompson and I both, we’ve never been a big fan of that. We have a mini lift for people that are looking for less invasive. It’s not what you’d say a minimally invasive. We use a scalpel. We’re going to remove skin. That’s the other thing. Thread lifting pulls. It doesn’t remove any skin. OK. If you’ve got a skin accessor laxity to really tightened that up, you’ve usually got to remove skin or at least tighten it in some way. And thread lifting isn’t doing that.

Bryan: I just have a question. Once again, I’m raising my hand because that’s how I was taught in school. It’s like yes, I have a question. I’ve got a backup. You’re saying sutures. You’re saying invasive. You’re saying all these technical terms.So is this a general anesthesia that you’re under when you have this procedure?

Jenny: With the thread lifts?

Bryan: Yeah.

Jenny: No, which is why people are going towards that. I mean, the marketing’s beautiful, right? No anesthesia. Come in our office do it on your lunch hour. We just pop these threads in…

Bryan: Wow. you’re talking about needles going in all the way from the top of my head to the bottom.

Kari: Is it just numb?

Bryan: How is this going? How do you, i mean…

Jenny: Yeah, they numb you up but it sounds… it’s kind of sexy, I guess.

Bryan: Oh, no, not at all. It sounds very painful.

Jenny: For people also like doing this and lifting their jowls and like, OK, facelift. Oh, what are these fun threads? I’ll just do on my lunch break.

Bryan:  Because from a man’s perspective, I’m going to tell you this. This to me sounds first of all, I hate going to the dentist and having my mouth numb for hours after the procedure. So I’m assuming it’s going to feel something like this afterwards. And who is doing this procedure? I mean, is this board certified plastic surgeons that are doing this because you’re talking my face here that that you’re messing with here. And so who exactly is doing this? And if it’s not general anesthesia, then you’re just in a chair in an office. This…Please explain, doctor.

Kari: Don’t go to your neighbor and get it done. Don’t go anywhere.

Jenny: Don’t go anywhere in a srtip mall to have it done.

Bryan: This is very confusing to me because it sounds very invasive  in my perspective.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. So it is. It’s being offered by lots of places.

Bryan: But they are all doctors, right?

Dr. Henstrom: No, they’re not. No. There you can you can find places not far from here. I could probably throw a rock and find a place that is offering this being done by nurses, nurse practitioners, maybe p-a.

Bryan: But they are still under a doctor?

Dr. Henstrom: Well, they’re under a doctor…

Jenny: By licensure only. But, they are probably not there.

Bryan: This is scary…

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. So many places, you know, physicians are not. Now, to address your concern about, yes, we do lots of procedures with just local anesthetic. We can get patients numb, they can be very comfortable. It’s true with this. You can get patients numb. They can not feel anything. They can be very awake for procedure. We do a mini lift in our office with patients awake, local anesthetic only once they’re numb, they don’t feel anything.

Jenny: With a facial plastic surgeon.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Kari: And they are certified.

Jenny: Yeah. Carry on…

Kari: Yes.

Dr. Henstrom: Yes. That’s right. So we do that. The places that you can see that are really varied. Med spas are offering this. The quality of training certainly isn’t there for some people. That’s the allure of minimally invasive is not just an allure for patients. It’s also an allure for businesses and other medical practices or even dental practices who think, well, I can learn how to do this in a very short period of time. Maybe I will go take a course over a weekend and then I can start doing this because this is a moneymaker for my patients. But they may not even have a background or trained in it.

Jenny: Good return on investment.

Bryan: Well, you know, I remember I had a dentist once upon a time that wanted to do Botox in my face and I’m like you’re not a plastic…. You’re not… you’re dentist. You’re not a face doctor.

Jenny: No… don’t get me started on dentists wither. Which he might be fine with. But I think if you’re treating teeth all day and sprinkled with Botox once a week gets, you know. No.

Bryan: This is why I was concerned because I’m like, who’s doing this procedure? It sounded evasive when you’re talking just now about who’s doing this. Board certified medical doctors.

Dr. Henstrom: Which, I’m sure probably are some out there that are probably… some that do that. Dr. Thompson and I don’t because of the complications that have been in the past, the lack of long term results. And so we’re not big believers in it.

Jenny: Our docs are very like we can’t come in a consultation and really present something to a patient if we don’t think it’s of value, if this is not going to help them and be worth their time. We don’t care what the ROI is. We are not bringing it in.

Bryan: Creative return. Is that ROI?

Jenny: Return on investment.

Bryan: Oh, return on investment.

Jenny: For your time spent, yeah. For your investment, what is the return? That’s how you stay in practice.

Bryan: Because I assume this is fifteen hundred or more.

Kari: What’s the cost?

Bryan: To have something like this done verses…

Dr. Henstrom: More than that.

Jenny: Lots more, yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: The interesting thing is that this in our area probably runs anywhere from $3500 to $5000.

Bryan: Oh, a lot more than that…

Jenny: For one area. If you’re wanting multiple areas you could probably get…

Bryan: You mean for one cheek?

Kari: This left side is really bugging me.

Bryan: Your left cheek looks great! Can’t afford the right one right now..

Jenny: I’ll be back next week for the right.

Bryan: Yeah, next month.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, there’s multiple places they can put thread’s if I mean that you can’t lift the upper cheek separate than the lower jowls and separate than maybe in the neck. And so the more areas you do the more the cost is. But it’s not an inexpensive I mean for comparison that’s getting up to the same price point of our mini facelift that actually removes skin, tightens the skin

Jenny: And last longer.

Dr. Henstrom: And last longer. It has more of an effect on a clinical effect, being able to see the difference between the before and afters and so forth.

Kari: What’s the downtime? Does it just depend on person to person?

Dr. Henstrom: Well, so that’s one of the one of the great marketing things about thread lifts is that they’ll tell you that there really isn’t downtime because it’s so minimally invasive. It doesn’t disturb tissues. You can go back to doing things in a very short order, you know, a day or so. This is something that I think Jenny mentioned earlier. People come in on their lunch break and try to get it done and try to go back to work.

Bryan: But their face is numb.

Dr Henstrom: Yeah, their face is numb.

Jenny: Some people don’t care. Or if they can take one day off, it’s like, yeah, I could do one day.

Dr. Henstrom: Interest in specific cosmetic procedures is often driven by companies that have something to sell.

Jenny: Right.

Dr. Henstrom: or patients that just get word of this and then it kind of takes off  and often they lack objective data behind it.

Jenny: They see a video on social media.

Dr. Henstrom: That’s why…

Bryan: Which is a huge thing, because I think that this is targeting younger individuals who maybe don’t have $10,000 to go drop on…

Kari: It’s a quick fix.

Jenny: Or who aren’t ready for a facelift and yeah. People like my age, like i need quick.

Bryan: Well, Jenny’s 25, everybody.

Jenny: I am… I’m pushing 40. Okay? I mean, even for me, I’m like, Il I’m not going to wait and listen to voicemail, send me a text.

Bryan: You’re beautiful. But so now I’m curious, what is what is the age group that is the target audience?

Dr. Henstrom: Younger patients.

Bryan: So that’s what I would assume. Younger patients because it’s cheaper, it’s quick and then what’s going to happen when they hit 40, 50 or even if they make it to that point, they’re going to have potential complications that they could have invested in a long term objective.

Jenny: And their money’s gone.

Right. That is the it’s… Yeah, you’re investing in your face.

Bryan: While you’re investing in your future.

Kari: Right. It’s a big deal.

Jenny: What’s going to be the best investment your face long term?

Kari: So dread it… So dread the thread. No dread.

Dr. Henstrom: It get back to value. I started talking with value and it gets back to that because more often than not, I mean that the patients we’ve seen that I’ve had it haven’t been satisfied. The studies that have been done don’t support long term efficacy. They’re really weak. What data is out there is really weak. So you get little vignettes of people saying how good it is and how successful it is. But long term, it really hasn’t proven to be that yet. Now it’s going to continue to have a place in the market. There’s too many people offering it. There’s people willing to go through it, to pay it in. And most of it is because of this ideal of being minimally invasive compared to actually cutting with the scalpel. So it’s going to continue to be a role. It’s going to continue to evolve. They need to strengthen their research with proof. Real good objective data about how much it’s changing a person and for how long and really bring down the complication rates that can come about from this.

Kari: Right.

Jenny: Right. Is it going to be  yeah, it could be better. It could be a great we could be on here, what, five years? Yeah. Seems great.

Dr. Henstrom:  They could come out with different products, different materials that react differently with the body, that continue to evolve with how to lift it and and so forth. And it could end up having a role. But right now here, it’s not something we recommend. It’s unfortunately something we see a bit of going on. I think it’s something that is being done not always under the best circumstances. And it’s just people aren’t getting the value for time and money they’re putting into it and what they want to get out of it.

Kari: And you need that value because we’re all busy, right? Who’s got the time to go back? And, you know, again and again, if you’re going to pay that much, too, you want something that lasts.

Jenny: And what is somewhat consistent. Because, there are… I guarantee we will hear from people that are like, I love my thread lifts. You know, some people probably do love them, but the percentage just isn’t high enough.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Bryan: So what I’m hearing then is that there are many options that may be a better choice.

Jenny: Right.

Bryan:  Not only financially, but long term and a better value.

Jenny: Right.

Bryan: For you as an individual. And I think I have to say, doctor, I call him doctor D…Doctor D doesn’t know this, but the first time that I came in and have Botox in the office, he was very reluctant about doing some Botox in areas of my face saying, no, you need this mature look, you’re not 25 anymore. And that was so appreciated. So appreciated that I didn’t walk out of that office with a face that looked completely processed. I don’t know how else to say that.

Jenny: You’re like, this is what I wanted when I came in.

Bryan: Yeah.

Jenny: When you’re leaving, you’re like, oh, I didn’t realize that that is what I wanted.

Bryan: To me, the best the best advertising, the best value can get as when you walk out of there and your face. Isn’t this over processed look that I need to go and have, you know, big sunglasses on or drive a big old Mercedes or whatever around, but you know, to look the part. But I appreciate that from you know, this is your business.

I know you’re the one that’s selling product. But when you say, no, this is not a good option for you. I mean, you’re a doctor. People should listen to this and listen to options.

Jenny: It’s his name, it’s our practice… well it’s not my practice.

Dr. Henstrom: You’re part of this, Jenny.

Jenny:But it’s our company on your faces.

Bryan: But it is!

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. I mean, we’re doing that. But it’s your face out there selling it for us.

Bryan: Well, see when my face is seen. And yours, Kari Hawker-Diaz, I love saying, Kari Hawker-Diaz. I mean, we’re literally seen by millions of people, right? Thank goodness. And if you come in with this over processed face, people are going to go, oh…

Jenny: Wait a minute…

Dr. Henstrom: That sounds like a good topic for a future podcast. Better to look old, than weird.

Jenny: That’s funny!

Bryan: No, this is important for people to realize that they have these different options that may be better for them at the time and should be open to hearing them from the doctor

Kari: From a profession, right.

Bryan: From you know, from what I’m gathering at a spa med or dentist… You know I’m not. I mean, I’m not that I don’t want to dog anybody here, but I’m just saying something as important as your face. You should talk to a board certified doctor.

Jenny: Right.

Bryan: And that, to me, is worth every penny.

Jenny: And many places have an amazing sales pitch that the whole team gets together. They rehearse. They you know, you got to know that going in. And so don’t just think you’re going into med spa and… people sell based on your hope.

Bryan: We;l, sure. And based on what you want.

Jenny: And so, if it sounds good you’re like yeah, sign me up membership is mine. And, you know, like but you gotta be careful not to just get overly excited.

Bryan: Careful… Well, in today’s social media to where there’s so many filters applied to pictures that they really aren’t real.

Jenny: Oh, none of them are real.

Bryan: When you look at social media images…

Jenny: Nne of them…

Bryan:  people don’t look that real. Unless they go see Dr. D they look fabulous.  But no, really, that is the standard. Now that people are like, well, I don’t look good because I don’t look like this social media picture.

Jenny: Yeah.

Bryan: But that’s not reality.

Jenny: That’s not them.

Bryan: No, that’s not reality. Filters on filters…

Kari: And that’s why we love you guys. You’re honest and you’ll tell us. And, you know…

Bryan: Yeah, I got told!

Jenny: I’ll tell ya.

Dr. Henstrom: You’re not the only one, I had another patient I had to tell yesterday

Bryan:  Oh, did you? Well, I have smile lines now because of it.

Jenny: But people do want to know about those minimally invasive options that aren’t ready for surgery. Or maybe they had surgery and…

Bryan: And there are so many to choose from, too.

Dr. Henstrom: That’s our job, right?

Bryan: That is your job!

Jenny: That links in to what we think is better. Minimally invasive and better and more worth the investment.

Dr. Henstrom: So, you know, just to briefly kind of introduce this idea. But the point is, is that if we’re doing our job, we’re aware of what’s coming out technologies. Everything else is coming out. And then we’re studying that. We’re looking at that saying where is going to be a good value for our patients, that we feel comfortable offering them because we know they’re spending a lot of good, hard earned money on these treatments. We want them to get a good effect. And so we have been looking at that. I mean, over the years…

Jenny: For years.

Dr. Henstrom: Dr. Thompson and I have seen a lot of things come and go. And most of the things that people are trying to develop and trying to market are at this minimally invasive end of the spectrum

Jenny: That’s what people want.

Dr. Henstrom: That’s where the world of surgery is going. Not just our field.

Jenny: Yes.

Dr. Henstrom: So we’ve seen a lot of things, like I said, come and go. And we’ve always been interested in trying to find something that we feel comfortable offering our patients. That is this step in between for those patients who aren’t ready for a big surgery or for those patients who’ve had a surgery in the past. But they’re just getting a little bit of relaxation on the tissues again. They don’t want to go through another surgery. But is there something minimally invasive that can help?

Kari: They need a touch up.

Dr. Henstrom  They need a touch up. And then there’s always a group of patients that just won’t do surgery. They just will for whatever reason they have the reason they just don’t want the surgery.

Jenny: Husband says no…

Dr. Henstrom:  They want to look younger, they want to do something minimally invasive. We’ve found something that is recently out that we really believe is going to be that. We’ve seen things like ThermiTight come and go and Ultherapy come and go. And what’s the other one?

Jenny: So, yeah, there’s been a…

Dr. Henstrom: Profound.

Jenny: Profound! And that’s still kinda…

Dr. Henstrom: It’s still kind of new. And so they do some things and I’m sure they’ve, you know, they like their products. AccuTite by InMode and it’s coupled with a different called FaceTite. So it’s just a different hand piece. But what this is is the delivery of radio frequency Bi-Polar energy to the skin, underneath the tissue underneath the skin to help skin tightening. And what we’re really excited about is other things have done this and they’ve been able to show on their studies a certain percentage of skin tightening.

But when they followed up and that’s early on. You know, like the one month mark, whenever they followed up and tried to evaluate how much skin tightening is at the year mark there’s always a decrease. So the skin relaxed.

This is the first one we’ve seen come along where there has been a certain percentage, 20, 25 percent of skin tightening at the one month mark. And then at the year mark it’s 30, 35 percent. So it’s improved over the course of the year.

Kari: This is without surgery.

Dr. Henstrom: This is without surgery. This is, again, numbing the face extensively, but through little holes. Inserting this device that can deliver the energy and the FaceTite has been around for two and a half years. So granted, not very long. We don’t have long term, five year, 10 year studies. We’re gonna have to wait to see but the FaceTite has been very well accepted. It’s proven itself over and over again in the early studies to be safe. To be effective. Low complication rate. And then they have a new aspect of it called AccuTite, which we can use in the upper eyelids and the lower eyelids and in the brow to tighten the skin, to lift the skin and to help try to avoid surgery for those groups of patients that we’ve talked about.

Kari: Just in one area, so you don’t have to do the whole thing or do you…

Jenny: You could do multiple if you want. One thing to mention, these aren’t surgery results.

Kari: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Right.

Jenny: We tell patients that. It’s for those patients that are okay without surgery results. And we tell them what to expect as far as how…

Bryan: But is this going to be the result where, say, I walk into a room with them, colleagues, with other friends and they’re not going to go, oh, did you have plastic surgery?

Jenny: They’re going to think you lost weight.

Kari: Oh, hey!

Bryan: But that’s the most important. You want this to be so natural looking that you walk into a room, nobody notices but says, you look really good. What did you do? Have you lost weight? Do you have a new haircut?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, right.

Bryan: Like yes, all of the above.

Dr. Henstrom: No incision, minimal downtime. I mean, it’s really hitting the head on all of those aspects of a minimal, minimally invasive type of procedure that you want. And the price point will be lower than actual surgery. Now, nothing’s going to replace, surgery, as far as how much you can accomplish when you actually operate on someone, you can always do more. But this will fill an area for a lot of our patients that want something, but they don’t have to go through a lot for whatever reason, so there’s gonna be more information about that. We’ll talk about that in a future podcast. We’ll get a little bit more details on that. And as we bring it to town, we’re going to we’re very excited about that possibility.

Jenny: This just expands the variety of treatments that we have. Because wherever you go, they’re going to sell you on what you have.

Dr. Henstrom: Here’s the other thing…

Jenny: Come here, we’ve got it all.

Dr. Henstrom: Here’s the other thing, important note.  Again, this will only be offered by surgeons.

Jenny: That’s an important thing to point out.

Dr. Henstrom: The machine itself and so forth with the company, they won’t sell them to med spas and stuff like that.

Bryan: That is very good to know. And that goes back to my whole point of why would you trust your face to anybody but a doctor?

Dr. Henstrom: Right.

Jenny: Speaking of that, do you watch Real Housewives, Kari?

Kari:  I don’t. I used to watch Mob Wives, did anybody watch that one? It’s kind of the same thing, they are a little more gangster.

Jenny: I need to get on it. On that whole losing weight. So there’s a couple of the housewives that have had FaceTite done and they really do…One of them did lose weight. But you see them from one season to the next and you’re like, Whoa, they lost a lot of weight, you know. But until they came open about what they did. And the nice thing is you can combine this with other things. You can do some lipo under the chin. Maybe people need an implant. Maybe you can do skin resurfacing at the same time. And they’ve all kind of had their little tweaks, but they’re all super excited to be like, I have had like a facelift. But look at me.

Kari: Wow!

Dr. Henstrom: We’re excited about it. We will talk more in the future.

Jenny: We’re excited. So stay tuned. We’ll have an episode, I’m sure coming up about that at some point. And thank you guys for joining us today on the podcast. Everybody, please be sure to subscribe, rate, review…. I missed something. Share. Share these. Get the word out. We would greatly appreciate it.

Dr. Henstrom: Put it out on all your social media platforms. Let everybody know. You know somebody out there that’s interested in this topic. So let them know that there’s a trusted source that they can go to that we’re going to…. We’re going to give you the right, reliable information. No matter where you live. I mean, we’re in the Utah market. Great. But wherever you live, wherever you listening to this. Share with others so that they can know that there’s a place they can go to to get the right, correct information about your facial aesthetics.

Jenny: They can save their face and their money.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Jenny: And use it wisely.

Kari: It’s so important. Can I quickly say Utah Facial Plastics… I mean, Brian and I can go anywhere.

Jenny: People would pay you to come…

Kari: We trust you guys because you’re honest.

Jenny: We don’t pay you to come…

Bryan: And we get told no! He laughs over there. You told me, no!

Kari: If we want something too crazy, they’ll tell us no. You know, that’s too much. You walk out of there, everyone that goes to Utah Facial Plastics just looks so natural, refreshed, like they’ve actually had asleep. You know, we have a lot of moms here. And we don’t sleep and but we can fake because we go to Utah Facial Plastics.

Bryan: And especially for a man, you don’t want that…

Jenny: You don’t want that over…

Bryan: Oh, are you wearing face makeup?

Jenny: And Kari, when I see your pictures, though, I am like, oh, that’s Kari in social media and in real life like that’s…

Kari: Oh my gosh. You’re so nice.

Jenny: You think everyone is a filter, um not everybody. But…

Kari: If you get AquaGold.

Jenny: AquaGold. We touched on it before, but we will talk about it again when Alfie comes back we’ll…

Kari: Well, we love you guys

Bryan: Thank you. For all the knowledge.

Jenny: Thank you. For all the knowledge.

Dr. Henstrom: Till next time.

Jenny: Till next time. Visit for more info.



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