Salt Lake City, UT MedicalMarks recognized and honored both Drs. Thompson and Henstrom as two of 2020 Utah’s Best Doctors for Patient Experience Excellence in plastic surgery. MedicalMarks, a healthcare research and consulting firm, aggregated and analyzed publicly available review data to determine which individual physicians not only provide great quality of care, but also demonstrate to their patients they care about them. Doctors and their staffs who provide an excellent patient experience are skilled in the following attributes: competence, empathy, caring, respect, trust, and sincerity.
Salt Lake City, UT — (ReleaseWire) — 11/22/2019 — Drs. Thompson and Henstrom’s mission statement is to be a positive force in the lives of their patients. “To accomplish this, we are committed to treating all patients with genuine kindness and respect, making appropriate recommendations that will help them accomplish their individual goals, and providing safe and effective treatments to ensure the best outcome possible.”
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