What is Micro-Dosing with Botox?

We are all familiar with Botox as an amazing cosmetic treatment for facial wrinkles but what is Botox micro-dosing and how does it differ from traditional Botox?

Botox is the number one selling neuromodulator on the market and has been used to reduce signs of aging for many years. It is typically injected into certain facial muscles to constrict movement, which helps soften lines and wrinkles. More recently, it’s being used in micro-doses, also known as Micro-Botox or Baby Botox, for the treatment of more superficial skin concerns.

Micro-Botox is injected into the dermis skin layer and has very little to no effect on muscle movement. This technique is used to reduce the size of pores, oil production and reduce acne. With a micro-Botox treatment, the Botox is diluted more than normal and is injected using a “micro-channeling” device with multiple tiny needles. These micro-channels then allow the diluted Botox to be infused into the skin. Micro-dosing is a great way to maintain a well rested, youthful appearance without losing expressions or emotion in the face.

How long will my results last?

Micro-doses of Botox typically do not last as long as regular Botox treatments because of the modest amount of product being used for treatment. Patients can expect each treatment to last about two months with traditional Botox lasting 3-4 months on average.

Can either treatment be paired with traditional Botox or filler?

Absolutely! The amazing thing about all Botox and filler treatments is that they can be 100% customized to each individual’s needs. Botox and filler are often used together for full face rejuvenation. Finding an experienced injector who knows when and where to inject is crucial in maintaining beautifully natural results.

All of the above treatments have amazing benefits and can help anyone age as gracefully as possible with very minimal to no down time.

To learn more about micro-dosing with Botox, call or text our office at (801) 776-2220 or contact us HERE.


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