When To Consider Cheek Filler

shutterstock 1455338672 150x150 1There are many factors that lead to volume loss in the cheeks and mid-face area. Some of those factors include aging, weight loss or genetics. Filling the cheeks and/or mid-face area not only enhances an individual’s bone structure, it also gives them a more youthful appearance.

Who’s a good candidate for cheek filler?

Typically, patients who are interested adding filler to their cheeks are more mature patients concerned with volume loss in the mid-face. A common sign of such volume loss is a more noticeable nasolabial fold on either side of the mouth as well as jowl laxity.

On the other hand, we are also able to treat younger patients who desire more prominent cheekbones. Some of these individuals are have lost weight or lose weight easier in their faces. Weight loss can make the cheeks and mid-face appear flat or sunken in.

What filler is used in the mid-face?

When treating the cheeks or mid-face, our providers usually reach for either Juvederm Voluma or Restylane Lyft.

Juvederm Voluma was made specifically to treat the cheeks and is FDA approved to restore volume loss in the mid-face. Voluma last approximately 24 months and results are seen instantly. Restylane Lyft also has the ability to volumize and lift the cheeks while smoothing out smile lines. Lyft is FDA approved to last approximately 12-18 months.

Either filler can be used to restore volume to the cheek area and typically comes down to patient and provider preference. Lyft is slightly thicker than Voluma, which makes Voluma a better option for patients with thinner skin.

Can cheek filler look overdone?

When it comes to any filler, the results can look overdone. The best way to avoid looking overdone or overfilled is to carefully choose a provider who understands when to say no and possibly recommend other alternatives.

There is only so much filler that can be injected to correct volume loss and laxity. At UFP, our patients love that we are able to offer more than just injections. Our providers offer minimally-invasive treatments, such as AccuTite or FaceTite, or more invasive surgical options, such as a facelift or MACSlift.

For more information about cheek fillers in Draper, Layton, SLC and surrounding areas in Utah, please call our office at (801) 776-2220 or contact us HERE.



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