Do Mormons Get More Plastic Surgery?

Welcome to facial aesthetics unmasked. Interesting topic today…with some of our favorite people, the world renowned Kari Hawker-Diaz.

Kari: Wow…that is quite the title.

Jenny: With every episode it gets better. You’re all world-renowned.

Kari: Wow!!

Dr. Henstrom: You are now because of all the podcast you’ve been on.

Jenny: Yes, after 3 you’re world renowned.

Kari: Thank you!

Jenny: Same with the Chef Bryan.

Dr. Henstrom: The one and only.

Jenny: We have his book…

Dr. Henstrom: There’s no other Chef Bryan out there.

Jenny: If you have an Instanpot and you don’t have his book, do you really have an Instanpot?

Bryan: No, you don’t.

Kari: That is so true.

Bryan: Go get the book.

Kari: Good point.

Jenny: The everyday Instantpot cookbook, Amazon.

Dr. Henstrom: He’s not even paying us for these…

Jenny: No!

Bryan: I know, I’m just…thank you!!

Jenny: I’m just holding the book in my lap.

Bryan: That’s good. That’s good. You keep holding that book.

Kari: Do yourself a favor and get the book.

Bryan: Please. Please do.

Jenny: Right now. Well, listen to this first.

Dr. Henstrom: So, if people don’t know that listen to this podcast we are located in Utah.

Jenny: Yes!

Kari: Salt Lake City.

Jenny: We are Utah Facial Plastics.

Dr. Henstrom: Yes.

Jenny: So we are the facial plastics of Utah.

Dr. Henstrom: Intermountain West.

Jenny: But, we see people from everywhere.

Dr. Henstrom: Absolutely.

Jenny: So, we’re not limited to but located in Utah. Two dual certified facial plastic surgeons, Dr. Henstrom and Dr. Thompson. We have Dr. Douglas Henstrom with us today. Talking about Utah… a lot of Utahns. So, it’s an interesting topic, it made a lot of headlines over the years. So we are here to talk about the many articles. So, I think the most eye catching or ear catching thing we can say is Mormons and plastic surgery. Mormons more accurately referred to as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints make up a lot of amazing people here in Utah.

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: Yes. I think it started with the Forbes article 2007 that talked about  Salt Lake City being…it was either the vainest of one of the vainest cities in America.

Bryan: Whooo!!! Yeah!!! We accomplished something.

Jenny: We win!

Dr. Henstrom: Now, we have the greatest snow on earth.

Bryan: We look good on those slopes.

Kari: The most vain on earth. I like it. Why do we think that is?

Bryan: Why? Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Well, the Forbes article talked about the number of sales and cosmetics.

Jenny: It’s a dollar number.

Dr. Henstrom: More at that time the number of plastic surgeons per capita.

Kari: Here…in Utah.

Dr. Henstrom: Than any other big city in the country…here in Utah.

Jenny: Whether they’re busy are not, there are a lot of them.

Bryan: We probably have a lot coming back from school that are from here.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, so it’s a little misleading. and you know, Salt Lake City that area I think we are consistently in the top 3 or 4 as far as number of plastic surgeons per capita in the country. So, we are right up there with LA, New York.

Jenny: Miami.

Bryan: Let me ask you…Doug, where are you from?

Dr. Henstrom: I’m from Provo originally.

Bryan: So you’re from Utah, you went off to school and you’ve come back now.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Jenny: You were out of a long time.

Bryan: Doctor D.

Kari: Doctor D.

Jenny: Doctor D living outside of Utah for gosh…how many years?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, 17.5 years.

Jenny: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, training, med school, all my training. I took a job at the University in an academic facial plastics role for 6 years.

Kari: Did you ever get people asking why is Salt Lake City such a surgery hub?

Dr. Henstrom: Sometimes. If they’re really in the know.  But where I was, not usually.

Kari: Okay.

Dr. Henstrom: It’s certainly something that comes up now that I’ve come back. And so, yeah, the question is why are there so many plastic surgeons? Is it just because the people here want so much plastic surgery?

Kari: The demand is high.

Dr. Henstrom: And so when that question is asked about the people living here in Utah the natural corollary to that is that all the Mormons are vain or the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are vain in their desires and they’re the ones driving this plastic surgery phenomenon.

Jenny: That’s the assumption. And that they’re keeping up with the Jones’ in their wards.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, so is that true?

Bryan: Well see, I would have thought the more available because we have more doctors here.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Bryan: So, therefore there is a higher populous with it because we can have it.

Dr. Henstrom:  And there’s a couple reasons. You can use me for example. I moved back here. I didn’t know or really think that we would move back here.

Bryan: Sure glad you did.

Kari: Me too.

Jenny: Me too.

Dr. Henstrom: We are glad to be here. So I’m another one the…am I a problem because I’m another plastic surgeon in this area?

Kari: No!!

Dr. Henstrom: There are plenty of us here. A lot of people, whether from here or elsewhere. They realize how great of a place this is to live and practice medicine. So that draws them here whether they have family ties or not. A lot of people have family ties. They know that style of living and so they are really comfortable. And we make a big deal or a big deal is made by other people about numbers plastic surgeons here. They fail to mention or let other people know that there is a very high ratter dentist in the population. And when I was in medical school most of our friends were dental students. And so many of them were looking forward to coming back to Utah to practice. A lot of them were or are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They wanted to come back here to be close to family and so forth. But, we don’t make a big deal out of the fact that there’s a plethora…

Bryan: A lot of dentists.

Dr. Henstrom: of dentists and dental specialists.

Jenny: Nobody publishes big news articles about that.

Bryan: Orthodontists….there’s a lot.

Dr. Henstrom: My wife does make a joke about that fact that our teeth don’t have a chance here. If something happens to them, a dentist down the street living by us will…anybody.  We don’t have a chance.

So that Forbes article back in 2007 kind of laid out the fact and said Salt Lake City is one of the main places, these are the reasons why and then, you know…some people in the area took offense to that other people didn’t care. But you know the next question was is it because all of the members of the church.

Jenny: Is it all even Utahns.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. Then fast forward to 2015. And it was the New York Times article in 2015, I believe. There was an article…

Jenny: Yes, The New York Times.

Dr Henstrom: And they were describing the difficulties in dating populations and the discrepancies between male and female dating. And the subjects or the study subjects they used for it were Mormons, Latter Day Saint members. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and there was a jewish community in New York. And they could really study these two because…I’m not going to say totally close but they are kinda easy to get information on. And  they were realizing the few reasons why it was favoring men in both these populations for a few reasons. One there’s more men that fall out of religion, so there’s fewer men in there. So there becomes a numbers game. And so, they were looking to see is that driving people in a competitive market.

Jenny: Driving women.

Dr. Henstrom: Women specifically…in a competitive market, to be getting more plastic surgery.

Jenny: In order to get married.

Dr. Henstrom: In order to get married. Yeah, to play that game and there were some assumptions made and statements made that yeah, it must be true for members of the church in Utah because we see people out there that have gotten it done and it’s obvious and she still sees a lot of unnatural breast augmentations that are out there. And so they just assumed that that was the case.

Jenny: Yeah, they looked at the data between men and women and kind of but this correlation together. It was big out there for a while.

Dr. Henstrom: They used things like…there’s a higher rate of internet searches for breast augmentation in Utah than in other places.

Jenny: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: They used information like that to try to say that that was happening.

Kari: Do you think it’s also because its more affordable here? I mean…

Jenny: Absolutely

Kari: That could be something.

Jenny: And that brings in people from all over the country.

Dr Henstrom: Yeah.

Jenny: Because we have so many plastic surgeons it kind of just drives down the prices just a little bit.

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: So they can all stay competitive.

Kari: Do you guys get people from out of state?

Dr. Henstrom: By the way that was a Times magazine article.

Jenny: Time Magazine.

Kari: You guys probably have people that come in from out of state all the time too…

Dr. Henstrom: All the time, yeah. There’s a lot. One of the things…so, the number of plastic surgeons in this area does it creates a real competitive market, right? Prices here on average are significantly lowest for instance breast augmentation or even facelifts that we do…compared to other markets.

Jenny: And they are amazing surgeons.

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: Just lower cost of living…

Kari: They’re getting a great deal.

Dr. Henstrom: Lower cost of living, happier living here than working or living in LA. And so yeah, there’s a big draw for people to come here because you can come and get your surgery done and even though you are paying for travel and putting yourself up in a hotel room maybe while you are recovering and having surgery, it is still cheaper than having it where you live in LA.

Kari: Than getting it done at home.

Dr. Henstrom: And you are getting quality for the most part. You are really coming here…and you can survive in this competitive market without putting up a good product. People will come and go soit’s not necessarily a bad thing….

Jenny: It’s not.

Dr. Henstrom: For the consumer. When there is a competition among a lot of other well-trained people for their services.

Jenny: They’ve got to be good.

Dr. Henstrom: That makes for good outcomes at cheaper prices.

Jenny: It’s more inexpensive so patients will come here and they’ll have sisters and brother and whoever that live in other states and they’re like look what I just did. And you can actually come here to Utah, were her brother lives in New York and it’s an outrageous price, ridiculous for like a facelift or something. And so he’s like oh, he’s obviously good and it’s better pricing, I can come hang out with my sisters. So we get a lot of those family members just coming in.

Kari: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: So, that takes us forward from there to a more recent article that we found recently in 2017. It was published on And I want to give credit to Janna Riess.

Jenny: Oh yeah, she’s written a lot on religion stuff.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah.

Jenny: I just recognized that name.

Dr. Henstrom: So the title of this article was or is, “Mormon Women Have More Cosmetic Surgery” dot dot dot or not.

Bryan: Well, that doesn’t say anything.

Kari: That leaves it open.

Dr. Henstrom: it gets your attention, doesn’t it?

Bryan: It does but the dot dot dot means, I don’t know.

Jenny: Right.

Dr. Henstrom: Do they or not. I think that’s the thing. So she sighted this 2015 Times article where they’ve made some of these assumptions and thoughts  that they are having more. But, she looked at numbers and I got the article in front of me and I want to put this out there so we are accurate. So first of all, she said that the previous article presented a string of circumstantial evidence to support the claim that Mormon women are leading the pack. And she sighted some of their reasons. She personally found the claim believable. And you know what, you drive down I-15, you are going to see a lot of advertising.

Bryan: I did say this on a previous podcast, you see billboards…

Jenny: You just assume because of our billboards…

Bryan: about plastic surgery…

Dr. Henstrom Up and down, up and down. It’s advertised.

Kari: Right.

Dr. Henstrom: it’s out there. The results that she found were actually quite ordinary and non spectacular. Mormons as a whole have almost the exact same rate of self reported plastic surgery procedures as people of the general population.  Thats measured in a 2016 q survey that she referenced. It’s three tenths of a point higher which is no statistically significant. And among Mormon women it’s even lower than for women nationally. So, Utah Mormons rate of cosmetic surgery isn’t outsized at all. Among all Utah Mormons 3.7 percent have had plastic surgery. Slightly lower than the 4 percent national average, all Americas. For Utah women, its 5.6 percent, that is also a little less than the national average for women which is 7 percent. So not only are women who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints below the national average, women in Utah as a whole at the rates which they’re self reporting plastic surgery procedures is lower.

Bryan: Per the article?

Dr. Henstrom: Per the data that they found in this article’s surgery.

Jenny: From 2016 to 2017, yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, so it’s because…so part of us doing this is to kind of demystify plastic surgeon among members in our own community. Obviously we are locally here our podcast goes everywhere maybe this doesn’t have much applicability to everybody else but to demystify this thought that this is a significantly higher rate among people here in Utah, especially women here in Utah. Women among the dominant religion in the area. It’s just not true. Now, just because a place like Salt Lake City becomes somewhat of a mega of something, medically. Does mean it is always just the local population like we talked about. There’s more people coming from out of town…

Bryan: So here is the question… and we’ve talked about this on the podcast. Is it because per this article, the statistics are saying it is lower here in Utah for the national average. Is that because you, as doctors are actually explained better to your clients options that they have versus just boom yeah, let’s go in and go under the knife. Are you coming up with better options?

Jenny: I don’t know…

Bryan: You know, ways that you do…I’m getting the shoulder shrugs in here.

Dr. Henstrom: Great questions! It’s a number of things. I think there’s a lot of factors that go into it. Why people… why it’s not higher in an area where there’s so much. As far as numbers of cosmetic and  plastic surgeons that are available to them. I couldn’t tell you one reason why that’s the case. But it’s just interesting to know that the perception that is out there, possibility in our community among our patient base, the majority of our patient base is obviously here. Is not necessarily accurate.

Jenny: And it could be just Utah in general it’s not necessarily tied to religion.

Byran: Just doing many podcast with you guys I have heard of many different ways…non-surgical, non-invasive, right in the offices that you can do that are going to something accomplish better effects than going under the knife. I’m just curious, is the medical practice just becoming so much advanced the you’re able to offer procedure in house so to speak that are offering better results than the old fashioned under the knife.

Dr. Henstrom: That could be  part of it. The other interesting thing about this survey and this data talks about surgical procedures. So the actual rates of surgical procedures.

Jenny: So it’s not actually talking about Botox and fillers…

Kari:  We’re not talking Botox, fillers…yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, I don’t know…

Bryan: That’s just interesting

Dr. Henstrom: where that lies in national averages.

Jenny: Which boobs are by far…I’m just going to say boobs.

Bryan: Do it!

Kari: Boobs!

Jenny: Breast augmentation is by far the most popular plastic surgery procedure. Numbers wise and has been for a number of years.

Kari: Here? or just in general?

Jenny: Everywhere.

Bryan: Among women. Alright okay, doctor what is it among men?

Dr. Henstrom: Uh, lets see…for surgical procedures? Rhinoplasty.

Jenny: Rhinoplasty and eyelids…eyelids.

Kari: Nose job.

Bryan: Nose job…really? Because I would have guessed stomach cause

Jenny: Well we’re in the face world.

Dr. Henstrom: Liposuction is more than either one of them.

Jenny: Liposuction is super popular though.

Bryan: We should talk about that sometime.

Jenny: Back to boobs though!

Kari: Back to boobs.

Bryan: Alright back to boobs.

Jenny: A lot of this is Realself searches on breast augs. I think a lot of these articles are really about all these women are getting boobs. Which is fine!

Kari: Right!

Jenny: Also I think part of it is Realself had a lot higher searches is there are a lot of women here that have kids, done having kids younger…

Kari: They’re breastfeeding.

Jenny: They’re breastfeeding. They just want to put them back where they were.

Kari Yeah and that’s okay.

Jenny: They just want to put them back.

Kari: Get them back up!

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. That explains some of the earlier data articles used to make a conclusion, to draw a conclusion.

Jenny: Right.

Dr. Henstrom: That plastic surgery was so much higher here. And that’s just on a comparison based on the national average, it just doesn’t…that surgical procedures are not more common.

Jenny: And we have a lot of people here that are active with outdoors…

Kari: We like to take care of ourselves here in Utah, right?

Jenny: We’re just taking care of ourselves.

Kari: We are physically healthy, we like to look good and I think it’s so important to remember whatever religion it is you know, everybody here…we like to look good and there’s nothing wrong with that. You know?

Jenny: We feel good, we just want to match it on the outside.

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: I don’t think that is something to be negative about. Even if this was true that Utah gets more plastic surgery than anywhere in the  world. Well… I mean don’t know…or any cosmetic whatever as long as it’s not  out of control and you turn into what? The cat woman.

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: Cat lady.

Kari: Yeah and you’re happy, you know?

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, don’t do that.

Jenny: You’re happy. you’re not mentally ill. You know? You’re just taking care of yourself.

Kari: As long as your mental health is in check.

Jenny: Yeah, if you’re just…

Kari: Get some filler, get some botox.

Jenny: Yeah.

Bryan: Well, that’s what you guys are there for because you say no on many things.

Jenny: Yeah.

Bryan: If it’s not going to work, no.

Jenny: If your reasons for pursuing any type of cosmetic procedure are not good, you know. We generally try…

Kari: You can kind of see that.

Dr. Henstrom: What is the motivating factor behind why you’re doing something like this?

Jenny: Yeah. This isn’t going to get you a husband tomorrow.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, right. There are unhealthy reasons that people consider doing all this stuff.

Jenny: Hopefully no one marries you just for your new boobs.

Dr. Henstrom: Right.

Jenny: But, I guess…

Bryan: If not, good job! Way to go.

Kari: Amen.

Bryan: They look good!

Jenny: That’s true. Yeah, you really outdid yourself. But…

Dr. Henstrom: One of the positives of this is this is an area where there is a lot of competition among plastic and reconstructive surgeons.

Jenny: Yeah, more marketing.

Dr. Henstrom: And so people in this area have good options, there’s a lot to choose from, it gives them good people to go to who consistently have to have good results…

Kari: Budget friendly.

Dr. Henstrom: to stay in practice. It is going to be a competition that drives down prices. And so, you’ve got a good situation here for the consumer to… if they do their research, if they get with the right people.

Jenny: You can get a good price.

Dr. Henstrom: You can goo consistent outcomes on things and that’s why we do see a lot of patients that do come from out of state. I had a clinic day last week or the week before where I saw three or four patients that were from out of state in one day. You know surrounding states Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming…

Jenny: You get a lot of Skype consultations.

Dr. Henstrom: Those were the states that were represented that day. Yeah, we’ll do online consultations with people.

Kari: That’s a good idea because you don’t have to come here for your consultation. You j just kinda get on Skype and talk.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. Recently did one with a lady that was a model back in New York City and she found us online and I think Utah has a good reputation…she’s in New York and she doesn’t want to go to anybody in New York.

Kari: That says a lot, you know.

Dr. Henstrom: Whatever her reasons are, yeah. Yeah, we’ll do those consultations with people all over the state, all over the country and yeah, they can come here for surgery.

Jenny: I think there’s still some ego but I think there’s less ego here than what you see in New York and the Hills.

Dr. Henstrom: Oh yeah!

Jenny: You know our doctors are just a little more…

Bryan: I’m kinda the fourth man out here, you know! Okay, you’ve  got the plastic surgeon, Dr. D you work with boobs all the time.

Jenny: No! He’s only face.

Dr. Henstrom: No, don’t work with those! I work with face….

Bryan: So, Kari you’ve got great boobs I’ll come out and tell you.

Kari: Oh, thank you.

Jenny: Why didn’t you tell me I’ve got great boobs?

Bryan: Because she is sitting right here, I can see them easier she’s right here.

Jenny: We’re done.

Dr. Henstrom: Have we’ve jumped the shark?

Bryan: Oh, no. No, no, no. But, here is the good… here’s the perfect example. Is this how somebody finds out if they want to go have a boob job? They go, “Hey, you’ve got great boobs.  Who… are those real? Fake? How do I get a set of those?

Kari: Right.

Jenny: Yes…

Kari: Which mine have been done here in Utah, by the way.

Jenny: They look very natural from what I can see.

Bryan: Other than just looking online how are they going to know? How do other people know who does good boobs.

Kari: I feel like it’s reputation. Don’t you think?

Jenny: Reputation. Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: I ask all new patients who come, “How did you find us?” The vast majority is first of all is Google.

Bryan: Interesting.

Dr. Henstrom: They google search.

Jenny: They see your before and afters and like wow.

Dr. Henstrom: They’ll do Utah rhinoplasty and they’ll see us at the top of the list. And they’ll go to that. Unpaid top of the list, right.

Jenny: It’s organic because people come to our site frequently.

Dr. Henstrom: So, the most valuable thing to us is our patients outcomes because then them wanting to share that. So they write up a review, that helps us. That puts us at the top for rhinoplasties, and facelifts and otoplasties and other surgeries of the face that we do. And then, they may start asking around once they’ve found us they may start asking around. But, you know it used to be a lot of the times you’d ask your neighbors, your friends who does this. Now, there’s so much information online that that’s where people go.

Jenny: You can watch videos and then there’s social media.

Dr. Henstrom: And we try to put out as much as we can to educate our patients ahead of time.

Jenny: It’s about education.

Dr. Henstrom: So they know, this is what you are going to get when you come to us. This is how we do things and this is what we can do. We show plenty of before and afters and then they make up their decision. And then they come and meet us.

Jenny: Yeah.

Kari: Have that consultation…

Dr. Henstrom: It’s not always a perfect match.

Bryan: Well, you are very easy to talk to. I don’t know… I thought that the first time I met you.

Kari: Absolutely.

Bryan: You were very easy to talk to, very down to earth and relatable and you just tell it like it is.

Jenny: Yeah.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, we want…the way that we see that relationship is we want a long-term relationship with a patient. We don’t want a you know, just come see us we are going to do this and kick you out the door. So, it’s not always a match. There’s sometimes patients don’t feel as comfortable with me as they might with another doctor. And I tell them we are going to be in a long-term relationship and if you don’t feel comfortable with me, you may feel more comfortable with somebody else. By all means, you know. If that’s your decision, go with him. Just make sure its someone that is going to give you a good result.

Jenny: Right. Which is another reason why we’re doing these podcasts. Sometimes TVs great, you know. Like things we do on social are great. But you get a little paragraph, you get four minutes. This gives us a chance to just educate. When people want to know more, we can send them a link to a podcast. You’ve got thirty minutes of this topic.

Kari: To talk about the facts.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, to get to know us.

Jenny: You can get to know us. You can get to hear…and we’ll have episodes on one episode all about a facelift with a patient, you know. And so it’s just another form of education.

Kari: Which is good. We are talking about it. Don’t you think we are talking about it a lot more than what we used to?

Jenny: Oh, yeah.

Kari: You know it was almost like a shame thing…

Jenny: People…

Kari: And it’s okay if you’ve had some things done and you don’t want to talk about. That’s okay. But I feel like most…for the most part it’s something that we are sharing and we’re like oh, you got this. I got this it’s so cool. You know…and I feel better.

Jenny: And it’s good for you and it looks great. We had that episode with Nicea and Reagan and Nicea really dropped the hammer on that.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah, she did.

Jenny: It was really good. Yeah!

Bryan: And if you are listening, they are talents on the ABC affiliate with Salt Lake City, Utah.

Jenny: Good Things Utah morning show.

Kari: We love them.

Bryan: They are delightful!

Jenny: They are delightful and they really kind of…cause we talked about…there was an article I saw a couple years ago that  was plastic surgery as a form…is what women are doing that are low-self-esteem, can’t…you know, kind of move ahead in the world in other ways, they’re turning to plastic surgery. When no. Then I read up on it…it’s not a sign of insecurity, it’s often a sign of empowerment. Women might have the money to do it, they just felt they take care of themselves and it’s just another avenue to keep things up.

Kari: Totally.

Jenny: They’re very active, they’re out in the world talking to people. They’re you know, just more conscious of their health inside and out. And so, nothing wrong with that.

Kari: Nothing wrong with that.

Jenny: But, I also think Utah probably too…like if you want giant…

Bryan: Boobs!

Jenny: Well, I almost called them knockers. But…

Dr. Henstrom: You have officially jumped the shark.

Jenny: I have jumped the shark. I am sorry, Dr. Henstrom. I can’t help it, I can’t help it. But like if you want really big ones…what city do you think of? Miami. At least for me.

Dr. Henstrom: Vegas.

Kari: Vegas, yeah.

Bryan: I was going to say Vegas.

Jenny: Go to Vegas or Miami. You want one of those giant booties, go to Vegas or Miami.

Kari: Or LA.

Jenny: Yeah, and now I think its like you want natural, conservative…Utah.

Kari: Yeah, that’s so true.

Bryan: I just think beautiful.

Jenny: Yeah.

Kari: Refreshed.

Jenny: Yeah.

Kari: The best version of you.

Jenny: The best version of you.

Bryan: Let’s be honest. You’re more than handfuls away so come on lets just put it out there.

Jenny: Anyway…

Bryan: Everyone is just dead silence all what did he just say? Oh my God.

Kari: That’s why I love you.

Jenny:  Not at all. Yeah, I love everything about you, Bryan. And your book and we love your book. Should I keep talking about your book?

Bryan: Please do! Please do!

Jenny: Bryan did not ask me to talk about his book but I love it.

Bryan: No, I didn’t. But I love it. Thank you!

Jenny: Now I’m going to be like obnoxious about it.

Bryan: Please do. Please do!

Jenny: Yeah, anything else we want to say on that topic?

Kari: I will say if you are here local in Utah you can watch Fresh Living everyday at one o’clock.

Jenny: Watch Fresh Living and follow.

Kari: Because all three of us Brooke, Caitlin and all come to you guys and we are so happy. You can see it in our faces.

Jenny: Also, follow Fresh Living and Kari Diaz-Hawker.

Kari: Yes.

Bryan: Kari Hawker-Diaz!

Jenny: Kari Hawker-Diaz!

Kari: It’s so much, I know.

Bryan: You’ve got say it like this, Kari Hawker-Diaz!

Jenny: Have I been saying it wrong this whole time?

Bryan: No, just that one time.

Kari: Kari with a K. I get called Kari a lot because it’s K A R I.

Jenny: Well, that’s dumb.

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: That’s dumb…Kari Hawker-Diaz.

Dr. Henstrom: That’s a good point though. If people listening to this podcast could follow us on our Instagram page.

Jenny: @utahfacialplastics

Kari: I love your Instagram page!

Dr. Henstrom: It’s a lot of fun.

Kari: I feel like if you are new to this world follow their Instagram page because you’ll see a lot of before and afters, you’ll see a lot of deals that you guys run.

Jenny: Yeah, we run specials. We do that too.

Dr. Henstrom: You’ll see some fun stuff.

Jenny: We try and have fun with it. And do have we also have a range of patients. We do have some that like a smidge fuller of a lip. We don’t always say no. I kinda depends on the person.

Kari: Yeah.

Jenny: So you might see a few of those and be like wait a minute but you know, we get some of those judgy comments. But, some people want them a little bit fuller. But for the most part it’s very natural and conservative.

Dr. Henstrom: Yeah. Thank you guys.

Kari: Thank you!

Bryan: What is your Instagram?

Jenny: @utahfacialplastics

Bryan: All spelled out? One word?

Dr. Henstrom: Yup.

Jenny: All spelled out with a S. You’ll see all of our providers.

Dr. Henstrom: Our website obviously

Jenny: Yup and subscribe, like, comment, share this wonderful education about Utah.

Dr. Henstrom: Spread the word.

Bryan: and boobs.

Karri: Utah and it’s boobs.

Dr. Henstrom: This is the most that boobs will be discussed in our podcast since we don’t do that surgery.

Jenny: We don’t even do that surgery. This was my opportunity to use it.

Dr. Henstrom: I guess so.

Jenny: Because I’m not going to have another opportunity because we talk about faces and eyes. We got to say “boobs” a lot so that was fun for me.

Bryan: I know. Nobody shook a finger at you.

Jenny: Thank you everyone. Oh no. I’ll be the one to cross the line.

Dr. Henstrom: Share the podcast. Subscribe, rate. You can listen on any platform that is available. Share it with everyone that you know. And share the word that we are the source that you can trust when it comes to your facial aesthetics.

Jenny: And stay tuned for a big giveaway.

Dr. Henstrom: Thats a nice tease. Subscribe and we are going to have something nice coming up for our subscribers and listeners.

Jenny: Yeah, were excited.

Dr. Henstrom: Future podcast.

Jenny: Thanks, talk to you next time.


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